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Connie Goules Gave the Department of Justice False Info

Connie Goules Gave the Department of Justice False Info
Connie Goules Gave the Department of Justice False Info
Report #: 397 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Monday, April 30, 2012
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Low - Private Harassment
Primary Weapon: Email
Specific Location: On a Street Named After a Native Tribe
City/Local Area: San Diego
State/Territory: California
Region: United States

Connie Goules of San Diego, California filed a complaint with the Oregon Department of Justice run by the Oregon Attorney General that falsely accused me of creating The report goes on to falsely accuse of posting information that it receives from nameless people allowing them to say that John Doe has an STD whether it is true or not. It then accuses of having a link to a site where people can clean their reputation for $1,000 unless they have a doctor send in medical test results.

First of all I did not create, do not own, and have never owned If you check out the WhoIs information for ( you will see that is owned by Barry Shein of Boston, Massachusetts. I am not and have never been associated with Barry Shein nor have I ever heard of anyone named Barry Shein before.

Her false report which was mistakenly sent to me by Alicia Suarez reads as follows:

DETAILS ---- After watching the person on Anderson Coopers show today I feel compelled to lodge this complaint about the Website created by Cyrus Sullivan. This man post information that he receives from people who remain nameless, allowing them to say that John doe has an STD whether it is true or not. If the VICTIM Googles their name that will be the first thing that comes up on them. The only way the victim can get this despicable removed is to provide proof from a doctor that they dont have an STD. He also provides a link to clean up your reputation for the small sum of $1,000. This not about free speech, this is about extortion. PLEASE STOP HIM, WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR SOCIETY WHERE WE ALLOW THIS SORT OF INJUSTICE TO HAPPEN???

Connie Goules can be contacted at:

6788 Mohawk St.

San Diego, CA 92115

Home Phone: (619)***-****

Cell Phone: (619) ***-****

email: *******

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