Duke Lacrosse Rape Case Investigator Linwood Wilson
Duke Lacrosse Rape Case Investigator Linwood Wilson
Date Reported: Thursday, March 31, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Low - Private Harassment
Primary Weapon: Email
Specific Location: 6910 Innesbrook Way in Bahama
City/Local Area: Raleigh / Durham
State/Territory: North Carolina
Region: United States
Linwood Wilson was arrested on cyberstalking charges after violating a protection order taken out on him by his wife that prohibited him from contacting her. According to news reports he sent her emails calling her beautiful before threatening to mail out videos of her engaging in sex acts with him and sex toys. Wilson eventually made good on his threat by mailing nude pictures of her to her sister before accusing her of having an affair.
Before his arrest Wilson was best known for being an investigator for former Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong who was disbarred after trying to frame several Duke University Lacrosse players for rape.
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