Re: Cyber-Conference 2022
Transcripts (Minutes) & Ques and Answers:
Date Held: Thursday January 27, 2022:
Location: Hightstown, New Jersey:
Venue: Princeton Conference Center at Forrestal:
Time: 07:00-PM--09:00-PM:
Posted by: Ms. Carolyn Boufford:
(Ross-Keppling & Assoc):
Our First Cyber-Conference of 2022 was held on Thursday in Hightstown, NJ. Thanks to all of you that came out to support us it was a great success.
We ended up with 138 persons which is great for the first meeting. This took almost one year to put together and it took some additional time to execute and secure the required funding. Cyberstalking is still a huge problem. The only way to bring this problem under control is through Public awareness. Unless otherwise stated, the conferences will be held once a month at different locations.
We state that all the information presented on this website is True and Accurate. I/ we have the Legal right to post all information deemed true and accurate on this forum. If anyone has issues with any information posted here within you may contact Ms. Boufford at our Manhattan location at: (646)-862-7907. However, we ask that you refrain from posting any material deemed inappropriate or harassing on this website forum. All information posted is for informational purposes. Abusive or derogatory postings will be reported to the webmaster and appropriate action will be taken:
Transcripts/minutes/ 01-27-22:/ 07:02 PM.
Speaker (one)--Mr. Pat R:--Good evening, thank you all for attending our first Cyber-Conference. I know all of you will help make these Conferences a huge success..etc/etc..(T-108-113):
I will start by telling you a bit about myself and my terrible Cyber-Stalking experience which occurred back in 2016. Although, it was a terrible time in my life I did get through it with the help of my lovely wife, supportive friends & family and of course my very skilled and accomplished attorney. (T-116-119):
I am married, we have two children in college, we relocated to Central NJ almost three years ago. I am presently an Assistant VP of Marketing Operations for a Broadcasting Company in Manhattan NY. I say to my wife all the time that my years of hard work and commuting to the big city certainly paid off. (TC-220-36):
Yes--I was Cyber-Stalked and harassed on Facebook by someone that was supposed to be a friend. I have learned at least in my case that my stalker Darren Ambler was no friend. Looking back, it is fair to say Darren Ambler uses people for his benefit and he has no social skills of any kind. Furthermore, Mr. Ambler has severe emotional problems which include addiction issues. He and I are absolutely nothing alike (thank goodness). Had I known that Mr. Ambler had a dark and sinister side, I would have never become friends with him back in June 2014. I've said this before, early on I did care about Mr. Ambler as a friend/ brother. However, over time that changed dramatically. (TC-243-58):
I guess sometimes something positive comes out of horrible experiences. If this incident with Mr. Ambler had never taken place I wouldn't be here tonight. Maybe this nightmare made me more aware of the seriousness of online bullying, thus resulting in me becoming involved with these conferences.
Cyber-Stalking is a Felony. Behavior such as this needs to be taken seriously. Never ignore online stalking & harassment. You can start by reporting online Bullying to the authorities.
Over 60% of online Cyber-stalking is by someone that the victim knows. An example: possibly an ex-boyfriend, girlfriend, ex-spouse, former co-worker, friend etc.
My situation evolved over two years. Mr. Ambler was sneaky, he lied repeatedly and was extremely self-centered. In addition, Mr. Ambler has deep-rooted emotional problems. His actions were bazaar and his entire life is 100% about himself. He cares about no one Darren. I am not selfish and I can't tolerate selfish people at all. After a falling out on April 16, 2016, Darren Ambler began his Stalking Tirade against me that lasted over 3 months. I terminated the friendship which I should have done a year ago.
I don't want to get into every detail however, Mr. Ambler began living a lifestyle that any normal person would not agree with. Mr. Ambler thinks everything he does is right and he justifies his bad actions at any cost. His ex-wife also told me Mr. Ambler never admits wrongdoing and refuses to ever apologize for anything. That is not how a normal person acts. Mr. Ambler is not normal. He shows no emotion or feeling of any kind which is a definite red flag. I've seen him block things out of his mixed-up mind as if they never happened. Not the kind of person anyone would choose to be around.
Mr.Ambler was engaging in sexually immoral behavior. I confronted Mr. Ambler about his double life and Lies. Of course, Mr. Ambler denied it, I terminated the friendship. I don't associate with Liars or Dirt Bags. Looking back, Mr. Ambler never demonstrated strong morals, class or self-respect. It just took two years before his true self surfaced. One huge mistake Mr. Ambler made was trying to make a fool out of me. I am a great guy that would help anyone however, if a person crosses me and tries to make a fool of me then they will be very sorry.
April 2016 is when Mr. Ambler began Stalking and Harassing me on Facebook. It was pretty much a daily occurrence. Mr. Ambler was paranoid because I found out the truth. Therefore, Mr. Ambler did not want me communicating with mutual Facebook friends for fear I would tell these people about Mr. Amblers Lies and his sorted double life. In addition, Darren Ambler tried to discredit and slander my good name so I would not be believed. The proofs are published on the Cyber-bullying report forum also.
I am not going to discuss the evidence in detail tonight due to time constraints. However, I will discuss evidence in the coming months. Legal documents can be found on at least two Internet websites. I will give you the websites before we close tonight's meeting.
I knew Mr. Ambler was my stalker but we needed proof. I hired an excellent attorney and friend. He ordered a Facebook investigation. Over three months of damning evidence was obtained (through court subpoena)-On August 1st, 2016--Facebook in full agreement with my attorney Closed Mr. Ambler's Facebook account.
I will say the strongest evidence was the IP/ISP Address data. IP data, in this case, was not disputable. None of the evidence was disputable, it was too strong and compelling.
Mr. Ambler had no clue he was being investigated. Mr. Ambler made no attempt to hide his identity or his Internet Stalking. Not a smart move for Mr. Ambler but it was great for my case. Through Mr. Ambler's stupidity, he gave us so much evidence. I also could have filed a Slander suit against him after my attorney showed me the content of the Facebook messages he wrote about me and sent to other forum members. Just disgusting-downright dirty lies. My attorney referred to Ambler many times as a Psycho & a Piece of S**T.
Speaker (one) Pat R.-went on speak about more evidence the attorney gathered and possible ramifications Mr. Ambler could have faced if the attorney had proceeded with the case/ this info is not printed here--you can get transcript copies by contacting Ms. Boufford at the number listed on this site. We decided to skip to the audience questions & speaker answers:
(TG 366-512) Transcripts from 1/27/22...can be obtained by request:
Ques & Ans cont'd on Sheet/ 02-C45/: