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Tiger Woods Mistress Devon James Threatened Joslyn James

Tiger Woods Mistress Devon James Threatened Joslyn James
Tiger Woods Mistress Devon James Threatened Joslyn James
Report #: 158 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Saturday, June 25, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Low - Private Harassment
Primary Weapon: Email
Specific Location: Manatee County
City/Local Area: Sarasota-Bradenton
State/Territory: Florida
Region: United States

Porn star Devon James threatened to kill fellow porn star and Tiger Woods mistress Joslyn James in an email sent after the two of them started arguing over money one of them thought the other stole following an agreement to co-star in a porno about their sex lives with golf star Tiger Woods. Joslyn described the threat on her life as something she wasn't taking seriously and said that Devon wasn't completely "together" before backing up her claim by releasing in an email in which Devon claimed Joslyn was "as fake as her hair and her heart looks like her botched boobs."

Threatening Joslyn wasn't the only thing that cast doubt on Devon's mental state. The video below describes how Devon paid a Tiger Woods look alike to dress up as Tiger Woods and have sex with her on camera before she tried to sell the tape for #350,000 claiming it was a real Tiger Woods sex tape.

Fake Tiger Woods Sex Tape Scam

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