Benji Cook Harresment of women male catfish
Benji Cook Harresment of women male catfish
Date Reported: Sunday, March 14, 2021
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Low - Private Harassment
Primary Weapon: Text Messaging
Specific Location: Sylacauga
City/Local Area: Birmingham
State/Territory: Alabama
Region: United States
More Info:
Benji Cook's an 40 years old married man from Sylacauga Alabama. He's flirting with other girls, make them catch feelings but never has real feelings for them! He want to take them on a date them but never showing off. He's asking for nudes n sex. He's always saying he wouldn't love his wife n she'd be so bad to him, none of them is true. He n his wife r bullying n harresing his love victims on social media n text messages/calls. They're sick individuals!
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