Death Threats on Pissed Consumer
Death Threats on Pissed Consumer
Date Reported: Monday, May 16, 2011
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Comment Boards
Specific Location:
City/Local Area: New York City
State/Territory: New York
Region: United States
Somebody calling himself "You will die soon David" posted a death threat on Pissed Consumer against David Lichten on 07-12-2010 12:55 that said "Mark my words I'm going to kill you, you are not going to steal $20,000 from me. I am going to seriously kill you." Its in the comment section of a thread full of people claiming to have lost a bunch of money from doing business with Arbitrage Sports Hedging.
Do a word search for anything about killing or hurting people and you'll find plenty of violent talk. Most of its just telling customers that they stupid and should suicide themselves.
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