Muhammad Abdel-Al Threatened to Decapitate Britney Spears
Muhammad Abdel-Al Threatened to Decapitate Britney Spears
Date Reported: Saturday, June 25, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Elevated - Smear Campaign
Primary Weapon: Audio and Radio
Specific Location: Land Better Served Kosher
City/Local Area: Gaza
State/Territory: Palestine
Region: West Asia
Terrorist leader Muhammad Abdel-Al of the Popular Resistance Committees threatened to decapitate Britney Spears in an audio recording back in 2007 that accused the singer of being a prostitute and spreading satanic culture against Islam. He said that if he meets her he will "have the honor" of being the first and last person to cut her head off assuming that nobody reattaches her head to her body afterward.
To this day Muhammad Abdel-Al and the Popular Resistance Committees has yet to provide any proof of prostitution or satanic advocacy on behalf of Spears to back up their claims. The Popular Resistance Committees is a violent terrorist group made up of infidels who are best known for invading territories that rightfully belong to Israel for the purpose of murdering Jewish settlers.
Audio Recording of Abdel-Al
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