Cyberbullying Report
Anti-Bullying and Internet Safety Services
Stop Letting Them Get Away with It!

Internet Safety Resources Directory Shut Down and Moved

1/9/2012 - Cyberbullying Report has shut down its Internet Safety Resources Directory and moved its remaining items to an online shopping site. The reasons for this move include lack of use and the ability to create a better user experience elsewhere.

Since its launch in 2010 the Internet Safety Resources Directory was always open to the public to post ads for stuff that makes the internet safer, but never expanded beyond a few well known products and services. There were cases in which businesses tried to get us to post ads there for them, but when asked to post their own ads our request fell on deaf ears. In once case a company even donated to us trying to get us to post something about their website, but we didn't feel comfortable posting a resource when our motive was to satisfy the desire of a donor and that may have turned out to be a good thing because it turns out that depending on the nature of the article if we didn't disclose the donation we could fun a foul of some governments.

Now that the directory is closed we believe that by moving its resources users will be better served. The new site has a nicer format and a five star rating system. It also is not prone to JavaScript errors when clicking offsite link buttons that cause redirects to fail on this site from time to time.

Anyway we apologize to anyone looking to list an internet safety resource and encourage you to post resources you have on No Limit List. Services can go in the Services Section and products can go in the Shopping Section.

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