Alexis a.k.a. mamertaposting Encouraging Violence on Twitter
Alexis a.k.a. mamertaposting Encouraging Violence on Twitter
Date Reported: Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: Somewhere
City/Local Area: Portland
State/Territory: Oregon
Region: United States
A Twitter user known as Alexis using the handle mamertaposting posted a couple Tweets today encouraging violence against the defendant in a high profile criminal case and his attorney. The defendant Jeremy Joseph Christian faces two counts of first degree murder after he reacted without thinking on commuter train in Portland, Oregon. The survivor of this three on one fight, Micah Fletcher, was shown violently shoving Christian into a seat multiple times before he started swinging the knife. Christian has Autism Spectrum Disorder and PTSD. That combination makes it more difficult for him to control himself in sudden situations where he feels defensive. As a result he is more likely to react violently based on instinct before his mind really has time to process everything.
This lady's first Tweet said, "I hope someone shoots Jeremy Christian in the f*cking knee caps while he's walking to trial." Her second Tweet said, "someone beat the sh*t out of his lawyer while they're at it."
Another user known as Rachael Hawkey using the handle BonnieRayRay chimed in saying, "Me too."
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