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Anthony Weiner Falsely Accused Andrew Breitbart of Hacking

Anthony Weiner Falsely Accused Andrew Breitbart of Hacking
Anthony Weiner Falsely Accused Andrew Breitbart of Hacking
Report #: 147 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Friday, June 17, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Email
Specific Location: 1800 Sheepshead Bay Rd. in Brooklyn
City/Local Area: New York City
State/Territory: New York
Region: United States

After Andrew Breitbart exposed Anthony Weiner for Tweeting a picture of his wiener bulging out of his briefs Weiner turned around by distributing press releases via email that falsely accused Breitbart of hacking into his account and sending a fake picture. Eventually after multiple women who had been harassed by the same wiener came forward he held a press conference where he admitted to lying about his wiener and apologized for smearing Andrew Breitbart.

Weiner considered smearing Breitbart to be his best option and an easy one because Breitbart's credibility was nearly destroyed in the summer of 2010 when he published a video of Shirley Shiraz edited to make her look like a racist. Andrew Breitbart felt vindicated after Weiner's apology and the story goes to show that just because someone tells a lie once does not mean that they don't tell the truth sometimes.

Breitbart Demands Apology

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