Cyberbullying Report
Anti-Bullying and Internet Safety Services
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Ashley Longe Arrested for Bullying Phoebe Prince

Ashley Longe Arrested for Bullying Phoebe Prince
Ashley Longe Arrested for Bullying Phoebe Prince
Report #: 78 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Friday, April 8, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: South Hadley High School
City/Local Area: Western Massachusetts
State/Territory: Massachusetts
Region: United States

Ashley Longe is one of six students from South Hadley High School who were arrested following the suicide of Phoebe Prince. The heaviest of the three teenage girls charged in a rather brutal school yard bullying campaign that included relentless taunting and threats to beat up the victim at school. Although it appears that most of the taunting was school yard it followed the victim home thanks to the use of social networking sites and text messages to harass her online.

When it comes to Longe she got an additional charge of assault, but not for using her overwhelming size against the victim like one would assume. Instead she decided to rely on an alcoholic beverage container despite her enormous size advantage. Fortunately for Longe a guilty verdict and lengthy prison sentence could do her a lot of good both by teaching a lesson while reducing her risk of heat disease due to the restricted prison diet that would make her a less cheeky looking chick upon release.

News Coverage of Longe Arrest

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