Bassey Essien Banned From Contacting Beyonce Knowles
Bassey Essien Banned From Contacting Beyonce Knowles
Date Reported: Saturday, June 25, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Low - Private Harassment
Primary Weapon: Email
Specific Location: Norwood South London
City/Local Area: London
State/Territory: United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Region: Europe
Beyonce Knowles got an anti-harassment order from a British court to keep Bassey Essien from stalking her at performances, sending her letters, and emails after the delusional man made her scared to visit London. Before the order he had bombarded her with religious rantings as well as a threat to show up at one of her concerts and sneak past security to see her.
Essien believed that the Beyonce people see on television was really an imposter who had killed the real Beyonce. When hauled in front of a judge Essien claimed he just wanted to help her after dreaming that she was in danger before giving up his legal fight due to lack of money.
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