Billy Bob Thornton Accused of Pestering Elysabeth Cherniak
Billy Bob Thornton Accused of Pestering Elysabeth Cherniak
Date Reported: Monday, June 27, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Low - Private Harassment
Primary Weapon: Email
Specific Location: Hollywood
City/Local Area: Los Angeles
State/Territory: California
Region: United States
In 2008 Elysabeth Cherniak accused Billy Bob Thornton of repeatedly harassing her with abusive emails, phone calls, and spying on her by placing bugs in her house so that he could listen to her phone calls. Cherniak claims the abuse coincided with Thornton's failed marriage to her sister Peitra Cherniak in the mid 90s before he became famous for his award winning role as a retarded murdering psycho in the movie Slingblade. Thornton's public relations people responded by claiming that the star is computer illiterate and couldn't do things like mask his IP address let alone bug someones home.
In her email to entertainment news sites Cherniak also accused Thornton of being a drug addict who would manipulate her father to get prescription pain killers. You can read her full email by clicking the "More Info" link above.
Billy Bob Likes French Fried Tators
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