Brianne Chantal Patterson has been around in one form or the other as far back as the early 2000s, probably longer. She goes by many names, AnneChantal, Brianne Chantal, Brianne Patterson just to name a few.
She is a know cyberstalker who tries to insert herself into anything remotely newsworthy, then when found out she launches into a cyber tantrum where she stalks, defames and generally causes havoc and torment where ever she goes. She is NOT to be trusted.
As of Jan 4, 2012 I had never heard of Brianne Chantal Patterson aka BrianneChantal aka Anne Chantal aka Anne Chantal Patterson. On Jan 5, 2012 that would all change.
You see my husband and I ran a facebook page called Boycott Casey Anthony's Future Earnings - No Money For Murder , now unpublished. On the evening of Jan 4, 2012 we uploaded for free the now infamous viral video diary of her. The next day we were inundated with calls, followers and as these things go, trolls. One stuck out mainly because she would not stop pming us claiming to "know things" and to have a third video that she claimed she was afraid to post because her "life was in danger." Something was just off about this girl, and after a brief Google search of her name we knew why. Its seems she has quite the history of internet stalking, lying, and desperate attempts in trying to insert herself into anything newsworthy. My husband called her bluff, exposed her lie of a third video, and that is where our story begins.
Since this day she has made ours .. but mostly my life a living hell. She has devoted a whole blog of her own to trashing me, my family and my family's friends.. she has even involved complete strangers who happen to have the surnames of Briley. What she couldn't find, she has simply made up.
I tried taking the high road, I tried ignoring this, her venom filled lies just continued. It was then I knew that if I wanted to take down this hairy beasted internet stalker, I had to get down and dirty.. only difference being is I will not have to make things up about her. Google search her name in any of the above combinations.. her history speaks for itself, as does those who are just like her.