Casandra Reel Pei of Fairport, New York Thinks I Suck
Casandra Reel Pei of Fairport, New York Thinks I Suck
Date Reported: Monday, April 30, 2012
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: Fairport
City/Local Area: Rochester
State/Territory: New York
Region: United States
Casandra Reel Pei of Fairport, New York posted a comment on Anderson Cooper's Facebook page saying that I suck when in fact she is the one who sucks. She sucks because she can't see the wisdom of running a service where people sign up for a membership and publish information as easily as she can prove how much she sucks by saying I suck on Facebook. She sucks because she accused me of putting peoples names on my site when in fact someone else did.
Assuming for a second that she is right about me sucking even though she really sucks for saying I suck when I don't suck at least I don't suck as much as she does. To prove how much less I suck I'm posting her picture with this report, but unlike the creep that used picture of someone that allegedly included a kid as well I have the courtesy of cropping anyone who looks like a kid out of the picture I downloaded from her comment. Maybe if she reads this she will realize that I don't suck as much as she thinks I do and see as I do that she is the one who sucks for saying I suck when she should have blamed the author like I did. If I really sucked so much I would not have defended an author's right to use my service despite the fact that I despised the author for not having the decency to crop the kid out of the picture.
Her comment was as follows:
"just watched this coop on my dvr...i love how u just railed into him putting him into his place...he just sucks how he smirks w/all the power he holds puttin these womens names on so glad u called him on it...u so rock!!!"
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