Conan O'Brien Priest Stalker David Ajemian
Conan O'Brien Priest Stalker David Ajemian
Date Reported: Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Comment Boards
Specific Location: Unknown
City/Local Area: Boston
State/Territory: Massachusetts
Region: United States
Around the time he started stalking Conan O'Brien David Ajemian posted several disturbing comments on NBC run Late Night with Conan O'Brien message boards under the screen name Padre009. In one of the comments Ajemian started referring to Conan as "Corncob O'Brien" and went into an incoherent rant that was as follows:
"I'm just a two-bit HACK and I don't even know it!!! My stories and nuttiness are PATHETIC--- why?? Well of course because they DON'T MEAN ANYTHING!!! Compared to THE WRITERS who are---- GOLDEN---- AND---- BEAUTIFUL---- AND---- BELOVED ... Yes the WRITERS---THE WRITERS--- UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING!!!! Everything that you witty and crazy and sweet young things could EVER want to know about the world."
It's not known if he were acting as him self in reference to "I'm just a two-bit HACK", acting as if he were another user, or acting as if he were Conan. Either way the name calling of Conan as "Corncob" constitutes minor public bullying.
The comments were really the tip of the iceberg when it comes to David Ajemian's story. Ajemian made national headlines by stalking Conan across the globe by showing up in Italy looking for him after already being arrested for stalking when he showed up at a taping of Late Night with Conan O'Brien. His stalking behavior led to him losing his position as a priest and being ordered into mental health treatment by the Archdiocese. In a recent news report (embedded below) a psychiatrist stated that Ajemian is mentally ill and recommends intense treatment for the man.
News Report on David Ajemian
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