Cyber-Conference Minutes from last Conference.
Place held: Double Tree Suites
Location: Mt. Laurel-NJ
Date: APRIL 18th 2022:
Time: 7-10PM:
Posted by: Elaine Cuneo-Secretary:
Minutes/Summary Posted by: Elaine Cuneo-Secretary:
The April 18, 2022 Cyber-Conference held in Mt. Laurel, NJ was another success. We are happy to welcome back speaker Pat R who wasnot present at last months conference because he was in New York promoting his newly released book. We were happy to have Pat back again along with another speaker Jeffrey K.
Summary: (Pat R)-Spoke about his Cyberstalking ordeal which occurred in 2016. Pat did mention his cyberbully by name and discussed in depth how the stalking started as well as the excellent job his attorney did. In addition, spoke about how the experience impacted his life. Finally, spoke about why he and his attorney decided not to pursue a trial and subsequent prosecution of his cyberstalker namely Darren Ambler of Cherry Hill, NJ.
Facts: Cyberstalkers harass their intended victim as an act of control and revenge. Research indicates online stalkers suffer from mental instability and most are anti-social individuals. They feel safe & secure stalking their victim from behind a computer screen. Most online stalkers never think about ever getting caught. On-line Cyberbullying is a felony crime with stiff punishment handed down by the courts.
Most stalkers usually have problems with other areas of their lives (ex: relationships, jobs, following standard rules & regulations). Cyberbullies have poor self-discipline and they seem to act impulsively. They feel as if their victim deserves to be harassed online. Unless it's court-ordered, Cyberbullies almost never seek help on their own. Yes, they are considered dangerous because of the damage they cause with their abnormal behaviors. Many Cyberbullies have a history of Stalking type behaviors. Therapy and possible medication are the only means of treating Cyberstalkers at present. Scans have pinpointed the part of the brain responsible for Cyberstalking behavior. 'OCD' has been seen frequently in Cyberstalkers.
The questions & Answers segment will be posted separately.
Elaine Cuneo.