Cyberbullying Report
Anti-Bullying and Internet Safety Services
Stop Letting Them Get Away with It!

Cyber-Conference/ Darren Ambler-February-Minutes/Part One:

Cyber-Conference/ Darren Ambler-February-Minutes/Part One:
Cyber-Conference/ Darren Ambler-February-Minutes/Part One:
Report #: 13552 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Sunday, February 20, 2022
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Investigative Services
Specific Location: Mt. Laurel/ Burlington County
City/Local Area: South Jersey
State/Territory: New Jersey
Region: United States

Re: Cyber-Conference

Posted by: Carolyn Boufford:

Date of Conference: 02/17/22

Location: Hilton Garden Inn

City/State: Mt. Laurel, NJ.

Time: 7:30PM- 10:00-PM.

Data: Transcripts/Minutes (Ques & Ans).

Part (01)/ of 2.

Hi Everyone.

Wanted to thank everyone for a successful Conference on Thursday evening February 17th. Two Speakers were in attendance, Pat R. and Mark C. Minutes listed below. Ques & Ans section will be added within 24 hours. Carolyn.


(Opening /Summary): Good evening I am Pat along with Mark. I will begin by telling you about my Cyber-Stalking ordeal in 2016. Then Mark will take over to share his ordeal. Then as usual we will take questions from audience members and answer them the best we can. Sit back and enjoy the evening.

I will say being Cyber-Bullied is a dreadful experience especially when it's by someone you know. I was bullied by someone that was supposed to be a friend. I know now my stalker Mr. Darren Ambler isn't capable of being a friend to anyone. This guy is a troubled individual that doesn't have all his facilities. Well, leave it at that.

I found out this guy was living a 'double life' and he was doing things that no respectable man with children should have been doing. Darren Ambler felt threatened by the truths I uncovered. Therefore, in his convoluted way of thinking (irrational), he felt revenge & using scare tactics was his best approach.

After a Confrontation on 4/16/16 at 11:53 AM, I "Terminated" the friendship. Darren Ambler has spent the previous night with a "one night stand' and of course, he denied it which only added to the long list of lies he told me for months.

I've said this before, Mr. Ambler wasn't my type from day one. He had serious emotional and sexual problems, as well as a number of other serious issues. Some advice to the audience, choose friends that are open and honest. Choose friends with similar morals, beliefs & upbringing. The first sign of mental problems or if you sense dishonesty or selfishness, ditch the friend and run the other way. You will save yourself a great deal of heartache in the end.

Moving on, by April 19th, Mr. Ambler's three-month Cyber-Stalking tirade against me had begun. This guy was terrified I would tell others what I found out about him. Therefore, by April 19, 2016, his Cyber-Bullying on Facebook had begun.

Darren Ambler and I shared some Facebook friends. Therefore, Darren stalked me on Facebook daily to monitor my activities, postings, and my friend list. He began sending select mutual Facebook friends derogatory and slanderous messages about me attempting to discredit me. In addition, Mr. Ambler would also instruct the Facebook friends to "unfriend" me immediately. Very immature behavior for a guy. Also, Mr. Ambler was not too swift about his stalking. He made no attempt to disguise his online activities or his identity. Therefore, Darren Ambler's stupid mistakes made it easier for my attorney to gather evidence.

Cyberstalking is a "Felony" Crime that carries harsh punishment. Darren Ambler was "oblivious" to this Reality.

Within about three weeks I knew I was being Stalked by Darren Ambler. Therefore, I felt it was time to contact my good friend and "Skilled Attorney".

My Attorney ordered an investigation. Facebook cooperated to the fullest. Court Subpoena was "Executed" and Mr. Ambler's daily Facebook activities were carefully monitored. After three months and two weeks, my Attorney had "Indisputable Evidence".

On August 1, 2016, Facebook "Closed" Ambler's account and BANNED him INDEFINITELY. Mr. Amblers name appears on a Security-Watch list. Mr. Ambler was notified by mail on August 21st. It seemed Mr. Ambler backed off for a few months. However, after committing a Felony by Stalking me on Facebook, Mr. Ambler probably in an "irrational state" filed a complaint against me. All the Evidence we had against Mr. Ambler and he had the gaul to file a complaint against me?

At this point my Attorney was convinced Darren Ambler was 'out of his mind" and he had to be put in his place. My Attorney assured me we had more than enough evidence to Prosecute Darren Ambler. In addition, he advised me to file a Cyber Stalking Complaint against my Stalker. My Attorney commented that Mr. Ambler was backed into a corner with "No Defense". We had a ton of Evidence, Photos, Facebook Logs, Statements etc. Mr. Ambler had "Nothing". Darren would have been made a "Complete Fool" of in Court. No way could Mr. Ambler or his Attorney explain away our "Powerful Evidence".

IP / ISP Data without a doubt was our "Smoking Gun" in my case. If an IP Address is traced to the Accused then the Case is Over. There is "No Way" to dispute an IP Address and other related data. My Attorney even had Mr. Ambler's serial number from the Lap-Top in which he did most of his Cyber-Stalking from. The information below verified the IP/ Internet data. It was traced directly to Darren Ambler. Info obtained via Court Subpoena:

*IP-Data Trace Info: Date- 07/17/2016... / Return of Service/Sheriff Dept:

Billing Name: Ambler, B

Phys Address: xx

Internet Provider-Comcast-NJ

Location: Delran/ Delanco-NJ.

IP Address: 73-150-46-43:

Server Type: Proxy Server: (Id# 01116.6339.040).

Non-Static IP/.

Darren Ambler lived in Delran NJ with his Mother at the time he Cyber-Stalked me. He has relocated to Cherry Hill, NJ since the 2016 incident.

Due to expenses and the case dragging out 6-12 months, I decided to end the case. I have a career, a family, other obligations. I had better things to do with my time than sit in court with a big "Waste" like Darren Ambler. I have other things I would rather spend money on than waste it on court fees. He is going nowhere in life but down. My time is too precious to waste on a "Nothing" like him.

If Darren Ambler ever does this again then we will proceed with new charges. This time nothing will be dropped. Mr. Ambler better wise up. It may not be humanly possible for Darren Ambler to act like a responsible adult. I can't think of anything positive resulting from having Darren Ambler in a persons life. He has no substance, he isn't normal and he has proven he can't be trusted. Everything he gets involved in is stuff that will get a person nowhere in life.

I can't repeat what my Attorney said about Mr. Ambler in private. However, my Attorney feels Mr. Ambler is Incompetent, Extremely Immature, and lacks Common Sense and Awareness. As if he lives on another Dimension far removed from Reality and People. He's Disconnected from everything.

Thank you, Ladies and gentlemen. I will let Mark take over. Followed by the Ques & Ans session.

End of Pat R. addressing the audience...T: 08:33-PM.

Mark C. now addressing audience members..

Time: approx 08:37--PM.

Transcript Id# 0772-86044-56-TRL:

Hello,/Good Evening.

I am Mark Even though my Cyber Bullying drama isn't as compelling as Pat's, I did go through an unpleasant experience.

My incident occurred in late 2018 by an employee I disciplined and eventually fired. I think Pat's experience was much more personal on an emotional level as opposed to my mine.

I look at Pat sitting a few feet from me and i see those dimples and a smile so i agrees with me.

I disciplined an employee at my company 3x. I had to fire him eventually. I began getting threatening emails in my work email. I think this guy tried to access my Twitter page but was unable.

I knew who was stalking me but he was more discreet in comparison to this Darren Ambler. I made the mistake of trying to handle myself which is bad all around. Pat's kids are older, mine were toddlers at the time. I know now that my kids could have been in danger/

Continued/ next post/ Part 01--completed.

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