Cyber Conference SummerFall Schedule-Marsh Assoc
Cyber Conference SummerFall Schedule-Marsh Assoc
Date Reported: Saturday, May 28, 2022
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Investigative Services
Specific Location: St. George/ Salt Lake areas
City/Local Area: St George
State/Territory: Utah
Region: United States
More Info:
As previously stated. Marsh & Associates will now be handling the posting of all information pertaining to up & coming Cyber-Conferences as well as Transcripts/ Minutes and summary reports. In addition, the Question & Answer section will still be available for each conference on this website. The format has changed somewhat. The final Cyber-conference before the summer hiatus begins will be held on June 8th at 7 pm.
The June conference information will be posted by Wednesday, June 9th. The summer hiatus will last until September 4th 2022. Thank you again to everyone that has supported our cause.
The upcoming fall Conferences will feature special guests including computer forensic specialists, attorney's specializing in "Computer Crime" and members of Law Enforcement (state Police, Sheriff dept employees). Fighting computer crime and increasing awareness is our goal. The topic of the September Cyber-Conference is " Some Never Learn". A look into known Cyber Stalkers and their repeated use and abuse of Internet Resources. A Psychologist will be here to discuss 'Understanding the Mind of a Cyberstalker'. How most rational human beings could 'Never' understand why a stalker acts the way that they do. It should be an interesting evening.
Marsh & Associates
PR & Planning Services.
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