Cyrus Sullivan - Cyberbully
Cyrus Sullivan - Cyberbully
Date Reported: Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Elevated - Smear Campaign
Primary Weapon: Original Websites
Specific Location: Portland
City/Local Area: Portland
State/Territory: Oregon
Region: United States
More Info:
Cyrus Sullivan is a known cyber bully. He will publish information on anyone for the purposes of defamation, without doing any fact checking. You simply fill out a report on say claiming that someone has an STD, and he publishes it as fact. After having been removed from the internet by Network Solutions for this kind of harassment and cyber bullying, he continues to bring the website and now this website back to life for the purposes of harassing people, and violating their privacy by publishing their personal, PRIVATE and UNLISTED contact information online. He seems to have ZERO regard for the damage he does to people and seems to get a sexual pleasure out of destroying people's reputation.
Furthermore, Cyrus takes great pride in trying to destroy the reputation of anyone and everyone that he can. In fact, he created this website for the sole purpose of harassing people and creating a platform where people can anonymously cyber bully others, with no fact checking, while publishing anything that is written about anyone as fact. On his website, in order to be removed from the site, you must submit medical records, for which he has ZERO legal right to. In short, he's a cyber bully just like any other, who has spent great deals of money trying to destroy the lives of anyone and everyone that he can. He must be put to a stop. Someone needs to fix his little red wagon with a bullet to his head!