Cyberbullying Report
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Darren Ambler More harassment to me from Giunta and Aman

Darren Ambler More harassment to me from Giunta and Aman
Darren Ambler More harassment to me from Giunta and Aman
Report #: 13523 - 5 Comments
Date Reported: Friday, December 24, 2021
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Other
Specific Location: Philly
City/Local Area: Philadelphia
State/Territory: Pennsylvania
Region: United States

Attached is Giunta's and Aman's most recent harassment email to me. This one again pretending to be a medical doctor. There's about 16 more harassment emails for me to go through from her. Pathetic that they have nothing better to do with her free time.

I will continue what I have said before.

Since I have been speaking out about Giunta "Mistress Lauren AKA BBW escort Symphony RavenClaw and her criminal cohort Stephanie


I have been getting bombarded with harassing emails -

Keep in mind whatever you read about me, Darren Ambler and anyone ever associated with this girl is coming from the mind and mouth of a pathological lying, clinically diagnosed severely delusional paranoid schizophrenic. She was also diagnosed with borderline personality and was institutionalized at Norristown Psychiatric Hospital twice. And Stephanie Aman is a known lying little psychopath from what I've discovered as well. Aman has been banned from numerous s& m parlors in NY and Philadelphia and also banned from just about every strip club in Philly

Here are some examples of their

severe paranoid delusions:

They have tried to blame her harassment of me on people I've never even met and also people that don't even exist at all whatsoever. They have

created these bizarre fantasies about me with complete strangers that I do not know and never will and created false life events that have never happened to me and others. Their former customers they have wronged have been speaking out on them since the summer and they are trying to blame that on me as well.

They are both so severely disconnected from reality.

Funny but not surprising that these two had a nasty violent falling out eh?

They also intentionally had other girls harmed (stalked, raped and robbed) by sex worker stalkers/serial rapists Brian and Jose Torres and laugh about it.

Tbh, I wouldn't have believed that those two men even existed if it came from them but there were various public warnings issued about them back back then. And you can see the DOJ Files when one was hunted down by the feds.

I was told many girls had to move and change their names to get away from those guys because Giunta & Aman and their colleagues gave them their personal info (names, addresses etc...) and told those men to go after them. They are extremely malicious and sadistic on top of being disconnected from reality.

Just look what they did to me. And I've done nothing wrong to that girl. Slandered the hell out of me to attack other people.

Let this serve as a warning to all: if you're considering doing a "session" with "Mistress Lauren" or Gothic Escort Symphony RavenClaw or, escort Lil Steph Mistress Isadora Stephanie Aman consider yourself warned. They are a danger to others. They have pissed off a lot of people. And they are targets.

12/25/2021 -

Hilarious that this harassment email from giunta is her pretending to be a medical doctor offering Psychiatric treatments. She has been diagnosed several times and institutionalized twice. Funny how the crazies project right?! Projection. 😃

12/26/2021 -

Sad. nothing better to do but sit home on Christmas eve and comment on his own posts. What happened? you couldn't rent a car to drive to North Phila for a quick screw and to get stoned? Say whatever you want.. Your a LIAR. You didn't cyberstalk anyone either right? LIAR-LIAR. Do you want me to publish the name of the person you stalked? I will do it. You wanna stir things up, then I will. You were told never to bother the person you stalked again. If i publish the name it could get you in trouble over again. Your a Prostitute, liar and cyber bully and ugly one i must add.

2/21/2022 -

Senora_princesa can you please publish the name and details of who disgusting Darren Ambler cyberstalked from Facebook

? What he is doing to Stephanie Aman and Lauren Giunta is truly terrible

2/22/2022 -

Carolina Sweet. I tried to find the name with no luck. There is stuff published about the cyberstalking case involving Darren Ambler on this site and i think one other one. According to what i read, Darren could have been prosecuted for the Facebook issue. I found out the person Darren cyberstalked is a guy. I can only find his first name. He might not want his full name revealed publicly. If you look hard enough you might find the name.

It is illegal to threaten bodily harm. Darren is threatening bodily harm. Call the cops. You can get him arrested instantly. He is Insane.

2/22/2022 -

Carolina Sweet-I can't give you any guarantees. If you are still interested in obtaining information about the person that was cyber-bullied by Darren Ambler you can e-mail directly at

I never post private/ confidential information on a public forum such as this for the world to see. If your still interested email me ASAP. I will see what I can do. I am employed by a third party organization that occasionally posts relevant information on this website. Our database can sometimes access other info related to computer crime and legal cases. Good Luck-- Ms. Lisa Emmett.

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