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Dispel More lies of Darren Ambler Sociopath My blog

Dispel More lies of Darren Ambler Sociopath My blog
Dispel More lies of Darren Ambler Sociopath My blog
Report #: 14555 - 19 Comments
Date Reported: Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Elevated - Smear Campaign
Primary Weapon: Blogs
Specific Location: Cherry hill Township
City/Local Area: South Jersey
State/Territory: New Jersey
Region: United States

Just can't stand reading these 'fictitious lies' and delusions that Darren Ambler is trying to make the public think they are true. First- Darren Ambler is posting topics on this site that don't belong here? What do his sexual impulses & perversions have to do with cyber-stalking? YES-it has been well known for months that Darren is a cyberstalker. But we already know he isn't going to discuss his guilt and the facts that are so clear. He doesn't care about anyone-not even himself. He fits the Sociopath profile EXACTLY!

Darren Ambler seems to be using any website he chooses to rant and try to get people to believe his lies and false sense of reality. Darren is so out of touch with reality he no longer tries to hide his identity. He now uses his real name when he posts these delusional fantasies. Darren Ambler is a coward and compulsive LIAR! He had his 7 years of 'funzies', raunchy sex, he broke the LAW dozens of times ,did drugs, publicly trashed innocent females and now he can't handle the CONSEQUENCES.

Just read his latest post on this site from May 18. He sounds like he finally had the 'BIG MELTDOWN'-like a volcanic eruption. His brain finally exploded and turned into recycled mush . Darren Ambler was always the AGGRESSOR-who pursued Dome's -Prostitutes and Burlesque queens AGGRESSIVELY of his OWN FREE WILL. That is what Darren fails to tell others. He is NO VICTIM--NOT A INNOCENT BYSTANDER BUT AN ACTIVE AND WILFUL PARTICIPANT THAT DISHED OUT 'BIG BUCKS' TO SATISFY HIS SICK AND BAZAAR FANTASIES.

Let him answer the questions he constantly avoids and refuses to answer? like about his illegitimate kids he ignores and won't support?

Darren Ambler needs to be a big boy for once and answer the questions:

Why do you cyber-stalk and harass people?

What about the drugs and other addictions?

What about the harassing and threatening emails that you sent to several people?

Why did you actively seek out paid dome's, burlesque queens and known prostitutes? then you trashed and threatened them.

Why do you blame your sexual indiscretions and drug issues on everyone but yourself?

Why did you remain silent and refuse to tell your many sex partners that you was a STD carrier?

Why is Darren in total denial about 7 years of paying big bucks for 'raunchy sex encounters'.?

Why does he lie about not knowing he was breaking Pennsylvania law every-time he paid for sex?

Darren has been saying for months that someone sent his kids teacher emails about him? He never specified which kids? he has 5 total. I assume the 2 kids he has in New Jersey are legitimate-but who knows? These alledged emails Darren has been ranting about for months have never surfaced? Because their are NO emails, another one of Darren Ambler's fantasy LIES.

How many females (including paid mistress's-prostitutes-burlesque queens and other one night stands) did Darren Ambler have sex with plus the real raunchy stuff he was always willing to pay extra for? TOO MANY TO COUNT.

Darren has a blog which he calls 'his story'. I decided to a write a blog too. Only my blog is all TRUTH! Darren Ambler's blog is all lies tailored to meet his agenda and to once again make poor Darren 'the Victim'! Darren is no victim but he has victimized so many people with his sick perversions-lies-stalking and repeated threats. HE thinks sex--sodomy and sexual exploitation is a big joke. The total disrespect he shows towards females and their bodies. Darren gets off on degrading sex acts.

If you want the complete TRUTH then read blog- (you can copy & paste below with curser to reach blog).






Many of his raging, threatening emails can be found in the blog. The emails alone will give an idea about how insane, out of touch and dangerous he really is! They give a good idea about his foul mind and sick sexual fantasy's. Bonkers! abnormal! deeply disturbed! A sex predator pervert. Threatening direct bodily harm can become a POLICE matter. Also--during one of Darren Ambler's ranting emails he claims he "HACKED' email addresses. Hacking emails is another FELONY COMPUTER CRIME. Darren is a moron for making statements like that. He is admitting he committed another computer crime. Lets see- Cyberstalking--Hacking emails. Darren just commits one crime after another. You can get 5 years for Hacking.

Darren rants like a baby about losing jobs. If i was an employer and read those crazy emails i would fire him immediately for my own safety. The emails tell lot about his character and frame of mind.

Any person reading Darren's emails would without a doubt be convinced that he is a DANGEROUS--ENRAGED--SEXUALLY OBSESSED MAD-MAN! It's possible he was as high as a kite when Darren wrote these sick emails, but that makes them even more frightening!

The drugs seem to make Darren more aggressive--abusive--and violent. Me and others saw Darren high many times. Because Darren has such low self worth, it makes him feel like a big man when he degrades and abuses females. He is a coward and a BIG-BULLY: He doesn't have a rational thought in his big EMPTY HEAD. .............................................................................................................................................

To give an idea how deranged/enraged and threatening Darren Ambler is/here is an email he sent 4 recipients in April: / Very cruel words about his own daughter.

Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2022 21:39:02 -0400 /

you should've named our daughter

Mistress Bootyhole or CrackrocK, or, RIMMIE.

You wanted so bad to Mrs Stephanie Ambler.

But all you'll ever be is a hole whore.


6/2/2022 -

"Ivanka" again, you have no evidence of your allegations. You got so many facts wrong and all you do is point to "posts" of slander done by these women and those sex worker stalkers. Plus no detail of ambler and Mistress Katya also known as Mindy Murray. Photoshopping a pic of Ambler next to Mistress Katya's face isn't legit.

Fun fact: the drug addicts Mistress Lauren and Mistress Isadora tried to kill Mistress Katya while poor Mindy Murray was pregnant.

6/2/2022 -

They slashed Mindy's brake lines in her car while it was real icy out hoping she'd crash. Mindy (Katya) was pregnant then too. There's no limit with these two Godless psychos. No wonder Lauren and Steph aman are in love with Darren. They are homocicidal psycho nuts.

6/2/2022 -

Hey look everyone! It's more crazy from "Holy Woman".

"Ivanka" here is the crazy loser "Holy Woman" that I rejected that has been stalking and slander

ing me since 2014. Numerous other names on here too. Sometimes it tough to discern which of my haters (this one, Giunta, aman etc.

) are posting nonsense about me but this is definitely her.Aside from being a highly mentally unstable conservative religious freak she's also a huge long time Trump supporter. Not even trying to hide it, lol. It's been almost 10 years. Get a life already.

6/2/2022 -

BurlyBoy- of course there are no photos of Mistress Katya and I together because we've never even met in real life. And my other two haters you mentioned are not in love with me. Please read my blog to learn about my side. And please stop feeding this delusional psycho's fantasies. This highly delusional psychotic loser of a woman has been harassing me for years.

6/2/2022 -

Just my 2 cents....

The first comment made a good point. Let's see some screenshots. Let's see screenshots of those awful terrible mails from Darren Ambler. You're not showing any proof at all. Put up screenshots of his emails and let's see how legit this is.

6/2/2022 -

Certainly--it's done. Also- James TT--I mean Darren.. i forgot it's Thursday-the night that your split personality takes over. I guess tonight James TT was the dominant personality. Saw a health documentary about split personality and mental illness. Your name popped into my head. I have a request (THIRD TIME). I know you can't comply because it doesn't exist. Can you post this alleged email that was sent to your kids teacher? The email couldn't have vanished that fast could it? You ranted over the email for months? Now you can't produce it? Could it be a DELUSIONAL LIE?

6/2/2022 -

I did what you asked. Now lets see this email that Darren aka James TT ranted about for 3 months? no more lies? The email that was sent to some teacher? What about the cyber stalking involving Darren ambler that is discussed on this website and 2 other sites I found? Why did he break the law and stalk someone? He violated Pennsylvania Prostitution laws too?

6/2/2022 -

I'm not Darren, you mental case. Wow you are as bat doo crazy as he claims.

Done? Where are these screenshots? Let's see these alleged emails. Put up the screenshots of these emails you supposedly got from him or stop lying and wasting time like a worthless loser

6/4/2022 -

Yes--selling/paying for sex is 'ILLEGAL'. Sometimes people are forced into this trade. Many are trying to turn their lives around. The men that pay for it are as 'GUILTY' as the ladies offering SEX. Thats why men paying for sex can go to JAIL. DARREN AMBLER paid in upwards of 60k over 7 years. He is a prime candidate for JAIL. Darren is an extreme case. Not only did he pay for sex with multiple partners but he wanted long term relationships with the girls? Plus-Three maybe more illegitimate kids resulted. Darren selfishly won't pay a cent. Maybe he'll have to be forced.

6/4/2022 -

On this website. Copies of the VERY Threatening--VERY Vulgar emails of Darren Ambler are displayed in the url below. Of course--his story will be he didn't write them. He has no other defense except to admit he wrote these ranting, crazy emails. We already know he will NEVER admit to wrong doing. Just like he refuses to acknowledge he is a cyber stalker. Sooo much proof i saw about the stalking right here and on 2 other sites. but Darren REFUSES to discuss that either.

6/4/2022 -

Absolutely drugs are a major problem in society and have been for years. I read many posts on this website and other websites. If the posts are all true, then this Darren Ambler is bad news period. I would have never dated a guy that was with a prostitute even once. This Ambler seems to have made it a career. Sad! Drugs go hand in hand with the sex trade. If Darren Ambler enjoyed hookers then a 99% certainty he did drugs with them too. I read on another site that this Darren guy did drugs and supplied them too. How did the DEA & FBI become involved? Yes i would fight for child support.

6/4/2022 -

read the blog






6/5/2022 -

Ivanka it's been a very long time since we've met. You're like what , 60 nowadays?

Obviously going through menopause made you even more delusional and even more psycho.

The past decade has not done you well.

I actually feel very bad for you to see how far you have deteriorated in the past ten years.

6/5/2022 -

what in tarnation??!?!

6/5/2022 -

John, Oh no! Another commenter!Be prepared to be called Darren! Dude, don't read either of those stupid blogs. I'll save you 30 minutes of your life you will waste reading that Jerry Springer garbage by giving you the Readers Digest version. Ivanka here has been obsessively crap talking Darren Ambler online for a long time.And in this cast of characters there are some dominatrixes two are retired and some active.Somewhere there were big scary evil men hunting down these women whom Darren allegedly all knows.The women not the scary men.All parties are accusing each other of being prostitutes

6/5/2022 -

2. And accusing each other of defaming each other and of course all being liars. And we're all supposed to believe that this unattractive squirrel looking guy ( no offense dude, but ya) is some super Ladies Man Cassanova. But yet also has to pay for sex although he's such a massive stud that all the gals want. He's a chick magnet with every std known to man! And somehow this homely squirrelly fellow is also a male prostitute too and gals pay him for sex! Uh huh.And at some point Darren has lost jobs and a gal lost custody of her kid all over this crap.And now more drama & lots and lots of

6/5/2022 -

3. lots of revenge ensues! Maybe some Michael Bay explosions too for good measure. But on Jerry Springer. LOL

There ya go dude, I just saved you from a lot of wasted time and having to bleach your eyeballs and I kept your IQ from dropping 10 points. You're welcome.

6/5/2022 -


6/5/2022 -



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