After being exposed for censoring people trying to help identify the killer in a murder case, Donald Lynn Hockaday of Arvada, Colorado engaged in a smear campaign against the website that exposed him. This campaign has so far included false accusations regarding why were were banned from his Facebook group saying "You have been dismissed from our group for being disrespectful to the family of this young ladies and racist comments !!" We did no such thing. We have been nothing but respectful to the family even though we know some are friendly with Hockaday, they have suffered such a tremendous loss that they could do just about anything and we would not disrespect them out of respect for what they are going through. We know that they are grateful for any help being provided right now even if Hockaday is selling them short. We certainly never made any racist comments, that is a flat out lie.
What we did right before being banned was dox most of the Pettis County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) at and upload a copy of a data dump part of which is in Google's cache ( Those were the activities that got us banned. As you can see there is nothing racist in the doxxing post. Don Hockaday made that up. He then posted several profane comments on our Facebook page saying stuff like:
"Go fuck yourselves, you don't know shit about me. You have only speculated everything. Are you mad because you were blocked? And now seek attention? Go suck your mothers tit little boy , them fuck off !!" - Donald Lynn Hockaday
We always find it a little funny when people describe marketing as personalized cries for attention. That basically is what marketing is, an effort to get attention for a brand, product, or service.
We have offered to removing personal information from our site. That includes everything about Don and his admins should they stop censoring people. Others have posted on legitimate groups that they have been censored by Hockaday's group for things like posting a video showing what is most likely the shooter's vehicle and radio chatter that might include the badge number of the deputy that shot Hannah.
Don's cousin is a PCSO deputy. Don admits to this, so we can't help thinking that something is going on here when the first and largest Facebook group dedicated to this case is run by the admitted cousin of a deputy and censors information that includes the name of the killer and the names of people that know who it is.
Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond refuses to name the shooter even thought the Missouri Highway Patrol says there was no gun in her car, so how is it that this deputy claims that he thought she was going to shoot him. We debated releasing the addresses, but decided it was in the best interest of the public as long as Sheriff Bond continues to protect the killer. Since evidence has been posted by people showing a the likely PCSO death mobile we want to help people find that vehicle. That means posting places where it could be. Right now those places are the homes of the deputies. We are not advocating violence or anything like that, we just think people should see if they notice any vehicles like the one in the video and photograph them. If there is a match then we could find out who Bond is protecting. Sometimes law enforcement agencies will not release the name of an officer in a use of force case, but if the public finds out through other means they often change their minds.
Finally, Don appears to be spearheading a Facebook snitching campaign in an effort to get Facebook to remove our link to our site and the entire page. People do this by asking their followers to go to a page and file frivolous abuse complaints. Sometime Facebook's algorithms react to these complaints and un-publish a post or a page. Then the owner has to appeal and that process can take several hours. During that time any business whose page is censored loses money. Facebook really needs to do more to safeguard the revenue of businesses that use their platform so that people can't get it removed by crying bully.