Donald Trump Quits Twitter! Blames Left for Cyberbullying
Donald Trump Quits Twitter! Blames Left for Cyberbullying
Date Reported: Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Elevated - Smear Campaign
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: Pennsylvania Avenue
City/Local Area: Washington
State/Territory: District of Columbia
Region: United States
President Donald Trump tweeted today that he is quitting Twitter for the rest of October in recognition of National Bullying Prevention Month in what began like an acknowledgement of his own past behavior and effort to stop his own bullying. That lasted for one sentence until he quickly shifted blame to the democrats, called them the bullies, and stated that he need a break from what he called fake news, fake whistle blowers, and democrats. Trump's Tweet read as follows:
"Today I am quitting Twitter in recognition of National Bullying Prevention Month because I am sick of being the butt of #FakeNewsCNN #FakeWhistleBlower #DONOTHINGDEMS online liberal #BULLYING *********Have fun with your #WITCHHUNT I need a break."
With Trump being one of the web's most prolific trolls this announcement may look like a break in the storm for some but to others it represents yet another incident of the President failing to take responsibility for his own actions and blaming the left for everything. Sure, the whole world, including CNN is blasting him to hell online over Ukraine right now and it would take an army to monitor all the negative sentiment directed at him right now, but that does not make everyone that criticizes him online bullies.
Hopefully some time away from the screen will give him time to reflect on his actions and realize that Twitter is no big deal unless he makes it one.
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