Cyberbullying Report
Anti-Bullying and Internet Safety Services
Stop Letting Them Get Away with It!

English Cyber-Bully Zeegary Uses POF Dating Site Forums.

English Cyber-Bully Zeegary Uses POF Dating Site Forums.
English Cyber-Bully Zeegary Uses POF Dating Site Forums.
Report #: 241 - 22 Comments
Date Reported: Friday, September 16, 2011
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Forums
Specific Location: Mid Sussex
City/Local Area: London
State/Territory: United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Region: Europe

British, 50 year old cyber-bully "Zeegary" uses the UK forums of the dating website to bully and harass other posters. His modus operandi is to stalk people on the forums, and to bully, antagonize and harass them into an emotional response. When he gets his desired response, he deviously reports their behavior as "a forum rule violation" to the forum moderators. If he fails to bully a poster into an emotional response, he simply scans their posting history, finds fault with their posts, and then reports them to the forum moderators.

The irony of this is that Zeegary has built himself a very solid and unenviable reputation as the most troublesome poster on the site, and has been banned on countless occasions for his trouble-making behavior. But like most cyber-bullies, he constantly changes his IP address, and returns to the forums of the site with a new profile and a new username to resume his bullying behavior.

The administrators of recognize Zeegary as an attention seeking non-entity, moron and pest, yet despite the imposition of countless bans and an increasingly irritated tone, have accepted that it has been impossible to keep him off the site permanently. Regular posters continue to side step or suffer Zeegary mostly in silence, with the occasional whimper of protest, whilst new, unsuspecting arrivals are the fodder on which this pathetic, insufferable loser continues to prey.

When he has hounded a poster off the site or has successfully managed to have them banned by admin, he sometimes follows them onto other sites, continuing to stalk them until he has coerced them to leave that site also. One can only surmise about motives for his despicable behavior, but as with all cyber-bullies, Zeegary no doubt has a life history containing multiple problems, and uses the internet as a form of very harmful and malicious DIY psychotherapy.

Cyber-bullying is a cowardly act, and no matter what the motives, shall continue to be looked upon as a form of reprehensible, unacceptable and inexcusable behavior. As with other reported cyber-bullies, Zeegary has brought this report upon himself, and shall continue to remain the subject of further, ongoing scrutiny.

9/19/2011 -

Gary sent me the url for this site, and he and I spent some time chuckling over your comments. You seem unaware that everyone who posts on a forum is seeking attention, especially on a dating site, and by claiming to have read his posts, you are admitting to stalking him.

A check on his recent posting history shows that most of the regular pof posters quote him or refer to his posts, which means that your claim that they are ignoring him isn't accurate. Neither is the one about him changing his IP address, and if you are checking that, doesn't that add weight to your own stalking?

9/19/2011 -

As for his run-ins with the site, I gather that he irritated two mods, one of whom had her privileges removed, and the other was removed from the site by the site owner. They were hardly model site members themselves!

So, how does he 'bully' people? He comments upon posts which require a response. That is the whole point behind a forum. He is not responsible for what people write, and he has the right to report posts which are meant to insult him. If those posts are removed, whose fault is that?

9/19/2011 -

You live on the other side of the pond? Why are you bothered about someone in England who is (in your words) a "non-entity".

I suggest that you are the one with psychological problems, not Gary.

9/19/2011 -

Thank you Zeegary for responding to your bullyreport under the name jayneB.

We shall address all of your points:

1) Reading someone's forum posts and gratuitous complaints to forum moderators does not constitute "cyber-stalking". Continuously trolling, bullying and harassing people, scanning their posting history and making gratuitous petty complaints to moderators so as to have them penalized or removed from the site so as to provide yourself with a sense of personal power on the internet DOES however constitute cyber-stalking and indeed cyber-harassment.

9/19/2011 -

2) A check on Zeegary's ie. your posting history reveals that you use the POF dating website to troll, bully and harass other posters, then when they respond, report them to forum moderators for rule violations. Forum moderators have been taking an increasingly irritated and intolerant tone with you, and have banished you from the site on many occasions for being a nuisance, and using forum rules for your own ends, thus wasting moderator's time.

9/19/2011 -

3) Cyber-bullies, cyber-harrassers and cyber-stalkers frequently have their IP address checked by law enforcement agencies and individuals or organisations whose task it is to investigate reports of cyberbullying, cyber-harrassment and cyber-stalking. This is not a crime.

4) We are aware of the fact that some POF moderators are not model cyber-citizens. We are also aware of the fact that Zeegary ie. you are the antithesis of a model cyber-citizen.

9/19/2011 -

5) You bully people by picking on them, and attempting to troll, aggravate and provoke them into an emotional response, so as to give yourself reason to make a complaint about them to forum moderators, who have received so many reports from you that you are now deemed as the forum (sick) joke, and have been booted off the site many times for being a pest. Perhaps you didn't read your bully-report in full.

9/19/2011 -

6) We are not bothered about "Zeegary" ie. you. We simply receive reports from people about cyber-bullies, cyber-harrassers and cyber-stalkers, then do our own independent investigation and analysis before deciding on whether or not the reported person is in fact guilty of bullying, harassing or stalking other people online. In this investigation we are more than satisfied that a report was necessary.

9/19/2011 -

If you want proof of Zeegary's ie. your own disgusting behavior, simply develop self awareness or do a search of Zeegary's ie. your own POF posting history, paying particular attention to the way in which you intentionally antagonize posters, and the large number of complaints that you have made to POF admin about those posters. Pay extra attention to the forum moderator's constant dismissal of your petty, trivial complaints, and their increasingly irritated and dismissive tone with you for wasting their precious time.

9/19/2011 -

7) Denial and projection are classic cyberbully tactics. We are not concerned if you have mental heath problems or not, in fact we couldn't care less. Our only concern is that you stop using the POF forums and the internet in general to bully, harass and stalk people as a form of therapy, and/or or your own personal enjoyment.

PS. If you are not in fact Zeegary, we would advise you to look at your so called cyberfriend's online behavior a lot more carefully, before attempting to defend, explain or justify their behavior after it has already come to our attention and been reported.

9/19/2011 -

You have no idea who I am.

Commenting upon forum posts is not a form of bullying unless personal comments or threats are made. I'm not aware of any such comments by Gary. If he is being investigated for making foolish people appear foolish, then the authorities are wasting their time.

Your obsession with him is quite touching, but checking his IP address just because he upsets you doesn't seem 'right'. Denying that you aren't obsessed by him is irrelevant and contrary to the evidence.I would seek therapy for your condition.

Meanwhile, I and others will continue to enjoy his posts. :-)

9/19/2011 -

You obviously aren't familiar with the definitions of cyber-bullying, cyber-stalking and cyber-harassment, Zeegary. Nevertheless, that is what you do. No law enforcement agency has been involved in your investigation. Neither have we traced your IP. As regards "obsession", we are all working people who do not have the time, energy, or inclination to obsess about some pathetic English guy who obviously has no life, and who attempts to fill his empty void by antagonizing people on dating site forums, then deviously reporting them to the forum moderators for breaches of forum rules. Get a life.

9/20/2011 -

You should read your own comments, Ant, before posting rubbish. You are obsessed with someone who you regard as "pathetic", you have investigated him and reported on this site. You claim that Gary changes his IP addy with no proof of that, and you think that he is guilty of cyber-whatever. Your own behavioUr shows that you are the bully here, as it's plain you want to dissuade him from reporting the stupid ones on pof. I don't think that will happen. This is a way of stamping your little feet in anger at someone who exposes stupid people on a dating site. Get that therapy, and get a life.

9/20/2011 -

We do not think you are guilty of "cyber-whatever". We KNOW you are guilty of CYBERBULLYING, CYBER-HARASSMENT and CYBER-STALKING. It is clear that you are "the stupid one", most bullies are. Most of the posters on POF know that, the forum moderators know it, the people you have bullied know it, we know it, and with your latest post you simply confirm what we and you yourself already know. You have consistently exposed yourself as a "stupid person", and now you are projecting. You are a bully, and you have been exposed. This is your way of "stamping your little feet" and saying "No U!".

9/20/2011 -

Kindly stop referring to "you", Ant. I am not Gary. Reporting those who break rules is not an example of cyber-whatever, and neither is exposing the frail/false arguments of others on forums. If stupid people make stupid comments, then they will be exposed as such by people like him, and the same goes for the abusive ones. I'm not the one stamping my feet here. I'm just pointing out that it is YOU who is the bully with nothing to back his claims and with an unhealthy obsession with someone who they consider to be "pathetic". I truly hope he continues to anger you.

9/20/2011 -

Downplaying your deplorable behavior by attempting to turn the tables is an unsurprising response, that is what most bullies do. If you require evidence of your own bullying, like we said, develop self awareness and/or scan your own posting history, paying particular attention to how you attempt to rile and antagonize people into an emotional response, your very strong propensity to lie, deny and exaggerate a lot, and your plethora of reports to forum moderators. That is your modus operandi. You provoke people, then you cry and tell. Further reports about your behavior shall be featured here.

9/20/2011 -

I've just read through the top 30 posts he's made. Each has a thread url and a number. Why not provide a couple that YOU think support your claims? Let's just see what YOU consider to be provocative or bullying.

9/20/2011 -

Admirable try, Zeegary. You know that to comply with your wishes would be to reveal the identities of your informants, thus giving you reason to further bully, harass, and antagonize them on the POF site. We have examined your posting history and are more than satisfied that the complaints received about your online behavior are well founded and justified. What we have learned about online bullies is to 1) Don't respond 2) Don't interact, and 3) Don't engage with them. So far we have broken all of those rules. This interaction is now over, and this report shall be staying in place. Good-day.

9/20/2011 -

How will providing a url to a publically-available forum reveal your real identity? The fact is that Gary doesn't cause problems on pof, and you and possibly others are upset at the way he posts. You claim to have examined others, and yet he was the only one who you complained about on here. You're pathetic, spineless, delusional, creepy, and a complete waste of space. I do hope he continues to upset you.

9/20/2011 -

We're not upset about you, we simply do our job. You are free to continue to rant using twisted, self serving logic if you wish. The very fact the you said "Gary doesn't cause problems on pof" reveals you as "Gary" and the pathological liar that you are, as you have a very solid reputation as the most infamous trouble-maker on POF, with a long history of site bans for troublesome behavior. You are free to rant and issue further expletives if that is your desire. We are not going to be further trolled into responding to you. Please seek and find a life. You are not a mentally healthy person.

9/20/2011 -

Seeing as the spineless creep Antgerd isn't man enough to do so, here is Gary's pof posting history:

It is constantly updated. If anyone reading this can indicate which posts show that Gary is a cyber-bully, I'd be very grateful.

1/28/2012 -

By way of update, Antgerd turns out to be this 'man':

Funny how those who make claims against others so often have exactly the same traits.

This entire report was created as a further example of Jovan's bullying.

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