Cyberbullying Report
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Facebook threats me and my co works Jacob

Facebook threats me and my co works Jacob
Facebook threats me and my co works Jacob
Report #: 5476 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Friday, July 3, 2020
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: 6090 N Blue Bream Ter
City/Local Area: Tampa Bay Area
State/Territory: Florida
Region: United States

My name is emery Hayward I am the boss manger CEO and corporate office and my co worker name is Jacob Bartley we are both getting threatening massage on facebook form different people that has been now going on everyday . the user that threatening us on Facebook is Curt Yowell he say this too me He is not on my team, he never was. Goodbye Emery, if thats your real name. See you in Hell. At 10:50 PM and he say this to my co work what is going on with you I did do anything to you . stay the he'll way from me and stay the fuck away from my have cross the line buddy with posting those boggus warnings.i will report you to the national weather service Tues 6:39PM. Then day after that he got threatening by a anthough user John S Craig that threatening him and he told me he did not say anything bad too them

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