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Fake PayPal Invoice E-Mail Scam Received

Fake PayPal Invoice E-Mail Scam Received
Fake PayPal Invoice E-Mail Scam Received
Report #: 422 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Monday, September 2, 2019
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Low - Private Harassment
Primary Weapon: Email
Specific Location: Unknown
City/Local Area: Portland
State/Territory: Oregon
Region: United States

I just got an email today claiming that I had spend $75.00 on a Microsoft XBOX Gift Card using my PayPal account but I did not and this email is clearly not from PayPal even though it initially says that it is from A closer look shows that it is really from The message was as follows:

Subject: "You sent a payment of $75.00 USD to Microsoft Corporation on September 2, 2019. Invoice ID#LRSOPCXL for order $75.00 Xbox Digital Gift Card (U heeft op September 2, 2019 een betaling van $ 75,00 USD aan Microsoft Corporation gestuurd. Factuur-ID #LRSOPCXL"

Body: "Open or dowload the attached file for the details for your information!"

The headers of the message revealed the following:

MIME-Version: 1.0

Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 09:37:26 -0700

From: ""

Subject: You sent a payment of $75.00 USD to Microsoft Corporation on

September 2, 2019. Invoice ID#LRSOPCXL for order $75.00 Xbox Digital Gift

Card (U heeft op September 2, 2019 een betaling van $ 75,00 USD aan

Microsoft Corporation gestuurd. Factuur-ID #LRSOPCXL

Thread-Topic: You sent a payment of $75.00 USD to Microsoft Corporation on

September 2, 2019. Invoice ID#LRSOPCXL for order $75.00 Xbox Digital Gift

Card (U heeft op September 2, 2019 een betaling van $ 75,00 USD aan

Microsoft Corporation gestuurd. Factuur-ID #LRSOPCXL

To: "xxxxxxx" xxxxxxxx

Content-Type: multipart/mixed


Unfortunately it appears that Windows 10 Mail does not record the IP address of the source or I would try to figure it out. I had to export this to Outlook just to view the headers.

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