Gerald Jackson Convicted for Posting Fake Molestation Pic
Gerald Jackson Convicted for Posting Fake Molestation Pic
Date Reported: Monday, October 7, 2019
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: Jacksonville
City/Local Area: Wilmington
State/Territory: North Carolina
Region: United States
Gerald Jackson of Jacksonville, North Carolina was convicted of cyber stalking for posting a picture on Twitter that he said was a 16 year old girl and saying that the picture was of her being molested by her father. According to the cops the girl was a family member.
I'm not putting this report in cyberstalking however because I think this more as bullying than stalking because it seems like he knew the person, wasn't tracking them or following them around, and it sounds more like public bullying or a smear campaign. Still reprehensible.
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