Giunta the Stalker admits to her drug addiction and more
Giunta the Stalker admits to her drug addiction and more
Date Reported: Monday, January 3, 2022
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Cross Site Stalking
Specific Location:
City/Local Area: Philadelphia
State/Territory: Pennsylvania
Region: United States
More Info:
This delusional pathological lying schizophrenia psychopath spent all of last night blowing up my email. Hours and hours this loser spent spewing her fantasies and attacks into my Gmail.
I read two and I refuse to read anymore.
She is psychotically obsessed with messing with anyone she feels has rejected or wronged her as you can in what she's done to me and also her former friends who ditched her for being batshit crazy.
Because of this PSYCHO I have endured a ton of stress, I've lost a job, a relationship and now I'm in the expensive, pain the ass process of a name change since obviously Giunta is relentless.
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