Hang Sardila Nguyen from Indonesia
Date Reported: Saturday, October 5, 2019
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Low - Private Harassment
Primary Weapon: Email
Specific Location: canaima.inia.gob.ve
City/Local Area: Caracas
State/Territory: Venezuela
Region: South America
More Info:
Someone claiming to be Hang Sardila Nguyen from Indonesia has been sending me spam trying to trick me into some kind of scam. He does not say what it is exactly but it is obviously a scam of some sort. The email claims to be from hangsardilanguyen at gmail.com but the server name is webmail.inia.gob.ve and the ip address ( is in Venezuela.
The most recent email read as follows:
I am Hang Sardila Nguyen from Indonesia. But my husband came from Hanoi and we live in United Kingdom sorry I did not write the language well because I was still learning the language. I noticed that you are responsible and would like to discuss some urgent issues with you.
Please reply as soon as possible well I am in the hospital now.
Thank you,
Hang Sardila Nguyen.
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