Cyberbullying Report
Anti-Bullying and Internet Safety Services
Stop Letting Them Get Away with It!

Instagram Predator David Ernest Otto Got Fifteen Years

Instagram Predator David Ernest Otto Got Fifteen Years
Instagram Predator David Ernest Otto Got Fifteen Years
Report #: 4451 - 1 Comment
Date Reported: Thursday, January 9, 2020
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: Tigard
City/Local Area: Portland
State/Territory: Oregon
Region: United States

David Ernest Otto received a 15 year sentence for abusing Instagram to prey on girls ranging from 13 to 17 years old. Otto would groom the girls and eventually convince them to send him child pornography of themselves. Otto was busted because when a woman caught her 15 year old daughter corresponding with him she contacted the police. The FBI traced the IP address used to contact the girl to Otto's house.

This author personally found out that Otto was facing kiddie porn charges while an inmate at the FDC in Sheridan, Oregon. Later Otto checked into protective custody at the Columbia County Jail in St. Helens, Oregon to get away from me when I arrived. He had been pretending to be a normal inmate in general population, but when he noticed me arrive, he rolled up his stuff, and hit the button according to his celly. The unit was locked down when I got there, when I was unpacking my stuff I heard the door next to me open and noticed someone carrying all of his stuff to the housing unit door. I recognized him as Otto. Then when the doors cracked open I told everyone what he was in there for, but they couldn't do anything to him because he was gone already.

1/9/2020 -

Also, there was a total of seven victims in the case. Ironic how he got a year in prison for every year his first victim had been on Earth. Maybe that will give him time to think about hiding his IP address the next time he uses the internet to commit a crime.

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