Jesse Curtis Morton Arrested for Targeting South Park
Jesse Curtis Morton Arrested for Targeting South Park
Date Reported: Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Elevated - Smear Campaign
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: Brooklyn
City/Local Area: New York City
State/Territory: New York
Region: United States
Earlier this year an American named Jesse Curtis Morton was arrested for communicating threats to the creators of South Park. The arrest was due to a violence advocacy campaign that he launched against Trey Parker and Matt Stone in April of 2010 after his prophet Mohammed was nicely depicted in a bear suit on South Park. Morton was advocating for the death of both stars on the grounds that they did something people don't take too kindly to in Durkadurkastan.
A group that trolls the internet for extremist rhetoric called SITE Intelligence put together a nice page of antic (linked to above). It contains screenshots of propaganda he posted on You Tube and Facebook, but he also posted stuff on sites called Revolution Muslim and Islam Policy as well as numerous jihad forums.
Jesse Curtis Morton in known to use the alias Younus Abdullah Mohammed.
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