Cyberbullying Report
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Jicheng Liu Arrested in Serial Cyber-Stalking Case

Jicheng Liu Arrested in Serial Cyber-Stalking Case
Jicheng Liu Arrested in Serial Cyber-Stalking Case
Report #: 372 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Friday, April 27, 2012
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Cross Site Stalking
Specific Location: 1700 W Altgeld St.
City/Local Area: Chicago
State/Territory: Illinois
Region: United States

Chinese national Jicheng Liu was arrested on felony cyberstalking charges in Chicago yesterday for targeting several people he believed to have criticized or otherwise wronged him according to CNN Early Start host Ashleigh Banfield. His arrest has been confirmed by a Chicago news report which states that police seized property stolen in several burglaries carried out by Liu as well one of which targeted the home of Chicago Blackhawks General Manager Stan Bowman.

Ashleigh Banfield has revealed herself to be hypocritical and ignorant in recent weeks, so we will try to find a copy of Banfield's video or one confirming her accusations sometime over the next couple of days. In the meantime consider Liu an accused cyberstalker that Ashleigh Banfield describes in a manner that makes him sound like one of the worst weirdos in web history.

He is being listed as a Cross Site Stalker for now because Banfield said that he had targeted innocent people on consumer complaints sites thinking they had wronged him at one point.

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