Jill Zarin's Address Posted Online by Hate Mail Advocate
Jill Zarin's Address Posted Online by Hate Mail Advocate
Date Reported: Thursday, June 30, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Other
Specific Location: Manhattan
City/Local Area: New York City
State/Territory: New York
Region: United States
Last year someone posted the physical address of reality star Jill Zarin from The Real Housewives of New York City on the internet with a message urging users to start sending her hate mail expressing sympathy for the death of her soul and another user started asking people to sign her up for magazine subscriptions. This resulted in a series of threatening and harassing letters being sent to her house.
On Twitter Zarin theorized that whoever posted her address must be another woman who is most likely friends with another housewife in New York City. To this day the identity of the real poster remains a mystery.
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