Cyberbullying Report
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Kirstie Alley Attacked Joy Behar on Twitter

Kirstie Alley Attacked Joy Behar on Twitter
Kirstie Alley Attacked Joy Behar on Twitter
Report #: 186 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: Kristie Alley's House
City/Local Area: Los Angeles
State/Territory: California
Region: United States

Kirstie Alley went off attacking CNN's Joy Behar on Twitter earlier this year probably because she didn't like something Behar had said on television. In on tweet Alley referred to her as "Joy Bewh*re" (censored for profanity) and in another she asked "and WHY has Joy Behar turned into such a self righteous cooz head? OOOOooo that's right.....FOREVER!!!" The second one shows that Alley wasn't even thinking straight or at all since the answer to her question doesn't make any since. If you ask "why" someone is a cooz head the correct answer is not "forever" since that could only answer a question like "how long has Joy Behar been a cooz head?" to which "FOREVER" would make sense as an answer.

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