Kyle Doyle Almost Lost Job Due to Stalking Line Manager
Kyle Doyle Almost Lost Job Due to Stalking Line Manager
Date Reported: Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Employment Screening
Specific Location: Unknown Call Center
City/Local Area: Sydney
State/Territory: Australia
Region: Aus/NZ/Micro
Kyle Doyle had some explaining to do when human resources became aware of a Facebook post he made thanks to an unknown cyberstalking line manager. Doyle had called in sick after a night of drinking before updating his Facebook wall with a comment about how he was still trashed and didn't want to go to work. Little did he know that the line manager at the call center he worked at was monitoring his activities, went to his profile, and complained to human resources.
Doyle received an email from Niresh Regmi accusing him of not really being out for medical reasons. He denied the charge at first, but when confronted with a screenshot of his Facebook profile he could deny it no longer. Luckily for Kyle he didn't lose his job.
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