Louisville Police Officer Katie Crews Taunting Protesters
Louisville Police Officer Katie Crews Taunting Protesters
Date Reported: Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: Louisville Metro Police Department
City/Local Area: Louisville
State/Territory: Kentucky
Region: United States
Officer Katie Crews of the Louisville Metro Police Department has been cyberbullying protesters with statements like "I hope that the pepper balls she got lit up with a little later on hurt. Come back and get ya some more ole girl, I'll be on the line again tonight." Officer Crews is now on paid administrative leave, but not for her comments. She is on leave because she and fellow officer Austin Allen along with the National Guard opened fire during a protest. As a result a local businessman in Louisville named David McAtee was killed.
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