Cyberbullying Report
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Mario Armando Lavandeira aka Perez Hilton Bullying Blogger

Mario Armando Lavandeira aka Perez Hilton Bullying Blogger
Mario Armando Lavandeira aka Perez Hilton Bullying Blogger
Report #: 85 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Friday, April 8, 2011
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Elevated - Smear Campaign
Primary Weapon: Blogs
Specific Location: West Hollywood
City/Local Area: Los Angeles
State/Territory: California
Region: United States

Perez Hilton whose real name is Mario Armando Lavandeira has made himself a celebrity by bullying celebrities on his blog. This serial killer of famous reputations is one of biggest threats to online reputation management know to man. His list of victims might as well be an encyclopedia of everyone who has ever been successful in Hollywood since the invention of the internet, so to save space this report will focus on the most notorious of his deeds beginning with those who have yet to see justice and ending with the one who truly took the fight to an enemy. Those notable victims are Lance Bass, Miley Cyrus, Michael Jackson, and Fergie.

In 2005 Perez outed former N'Sync singer Lance Bass as a homosexual and started posting information about his boyfriend Reichen Lemkel. The following Bass decided to stop hiding the obvious and officially came out of the closet.

In 2010 Perez posted a picture he said was an upskirt picture of Miley Cyrus without her underwear on. At the time she was 17 years old and still a minor child would have made Perez a child porn peddler. He eventually admitted that the picture was a fake and took it down.

In 2009 when Michael Jackson died Perez posted a story on his blog accusing the dead pop star of faking his own death as a publicity stunt. He eventually apologized and removed his "Heart Attack or Cold Feet?" headline.

In 2009 after calling Black Eyed Peas singer Fergie ugly over the years Perez ran into will-i-am and called him a "f*ggot" at the MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto. Polo Molina, will-i-am's manager didn't take too kindly to that and punched Perez in the face. Afterwards Perez posted a video rant where he was hiding in his hotel room crying about getting punched in the face and a couple days later he was photographed with the black eye he got for disrespecting the Black Eyed Peas.

In 2010 after years of bullying Perez finally decided to speak out against himself by going on Ellen DeGeneres's talk show and promising to be less of a bully.

Perez Hilton Post Beat Down Rant

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