Meghan Markle Has Had Enough of the Internet
Meghan Markle Has Had Enough of the Internet
Date Reported: Sunday, September 8, 2019
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: Elevated - Smear Campaign
Primary Weapon: Articles
Specific Location: Sussex
City/Local Area: London
State/Territory: United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Region: Europe
Meghan Markle said "I want to break the internet" because she i sick of trying to fight tabloids with PR agencies. Nobody can blame her for wanting to break the greatest asset that free speech has. People have full time jobs following her around, taking pictures, recording her, etc. so that trashy tabloids can have fresh pictures of her and they always exaggerate everything. If she has a bad hair day she must be on crack, etc.
Meghan Markle Wants Internet Broken
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