Miley Cyrus Stalker Mark McLeod Compiled Pics on Computer
Miley Cyrus Stalker Mark McLeod Compiled Pics on Computer
Date Reported: Sunday, June 26, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Cross Site Stalking
Specific Location: Chatham County
City/Local Area: Savannah
State/Territory: Georgia
Region: United States
Miley Cyrus stalker Mark McLeod told police that he had thousands of pictures and letters to Miley on his computer when he was arrested in 2009 near a location in Tybee Island where Miley was shooting a movie. McLeod said that Miley started sending him secret messages through her tv show Hannah Montana after their eyes met at a concert of hers in Orlando. It was a life changing moment for McLeod that made him her number one fan whose been "kinda been watching everything she does" ever since.
Cyrus had previously gotten a court order banning him from contacting her in Los Angeles, but that didn't deter McLeod from tracking her down in Georgia because "nobody will ever be able to keep us apart". When police arrested him he tried to headbutt one of the officers while shouting "f*ck you and your rules" and "I will f*cking be with Miley!"
Although this incident has been reported in the media as more of a traditional stalking event than a cyberstalking event McLeod's admission to compiling thousands of Miley Cyrus pictures on his computer proves that he has most likely been cross site stalking Miley Cyrus for her pictures, but its possible that he could have bought thousands of magazines and scanned them. Plus, the claim that he wrote thousands of letters to her on his computer indicates the use of digital means to harass her and even though the news never said how he has been watching everything she does he probably used the internet for that.
Police are not sure exactly what's wrong with McLeod, but think he is delusional. Has was quickly released due to over crowding.
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