Miranda Tozier-Robbins Stalked Britney Spears to Her House
Miranda Tozier-Robbins Stalked Britney Spears to Her House
Date Reported: Monday, June 6, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Reverse Directories
Specific Location: Calabasas
City/Local Area: Los Angeles
State/Territory: California
Region: United States
Miranda Tozier-Robbins was arrested for stalking Britney Spears to her house in Calabasas and sneaking onto her property. Britney's security guard caught her and detained her until police arrived and charged her with trespassing. After her arrest Tozier-Robbins told the press that she found Britney's address on one of those maps to stars homes websites, but denied being a stalker and called the whole thing blown out of proportion.
According to Tozier-Robbins her purpose for being at Britney's house was purely professional because she was filming a documentary film about herself for the purpose of using it to apply for work as a paparazzi. This differed from her first explanation in which she claimed it was all a joke.
Miranda Tozier-Robbins was a contestant on American Idol before she started stalking Britney Spears.
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