Casey Anthony a.k.a. Tot Mom has become the target of stalkers all over America ever since being released from jail after being found not guilty of murdering her daughter Caylee Anthony by a jury of her peers and a judge in good standing. Just in case you've never heard of Tot Mom she is the drunk woman in the picture to your right who went out partying like a newly liberated woman after her daughter died, got duct taped, and dumped in the woods. The party which included a hot body contest at a night club and lots of beer bought illegally using a stolen credit card came to an end when police discovered a mountain of evidence, arrested her, and kept her in jail until trial. The evidence against her was enough to convince anyone with half a brain, a television, and internet access of her guilt, but jurors are only allowed to use stuff they see in court and even though it was easy for the prosecution to prove her guilty by a preponderance of the evidence they failed to eliminate all reasonable doubt, so the jury had to let her go. When released she went into hiding and the news media led by Nancy Grace, Dr. Drew, and other pundits launched an intense stalking campaign on the air asking the public for information about her whereabouts, investigating reports of possible sightings, and posting pictures of her online taken by stalkers in Ohio. This media witch hunt has gotten so bad that it has led to innocent people being assaulted.
When Casey Anthony walked out of jail and did everything she could to become a private person the media lost the right to follow her. She isn't like most celebrities because she did not decide to become a public person. She was made one when Nancy Grace noticed a nobody sitting in a Florida jail, put her in the spotlight, and nicknamed her Tot Mom. Nancy Grace's coverage were ratings gold for CNN and she has continued her onslaught post release for profit. Dr. Drew has followed her lead by repeatedly asking his viewers "Where is Casey Anthony?" and interrogating guests with questions designed to pinpoint her current location as well as future whereabouts.
As a result of this circus Shireen Nalley assaulted an innocent woman named Sammay Blackwell in Oklahoma that looks a lot like Casey Anthony because she that thought she really was Tot Mom. Another lookalike named Concetta Graves has been repeatedly harassed and threatened on the street by people accusing her of being Tot Mom. In one incident Graves was walking with her brother and he was assaulted by some guys who jumped out of a truck yelling "baby killer" like hippies welcoming a veteran home from Vietnam.
Normally I would never jump to the defense of someone like Tot Mom, but stalking is never acceptable no matter what the victim may have done in the past and when innocent people start getting hurt as a result things have gone too far. Personally I believe that she is a cold blooded killer who considered her daughter to be nothing more than an inconvenience and she buried her like a cancer study at Brown & Williamson. She is a worthless collection of cells with nothing to offer and does not deserve anyone's attention. Nancy Grace, Dr. Drew, and the rest of the media need to stop stalking her, stop talking about her, and focus on things that actually offer something of value to society before more innocent people get attacked for looking worthless.