Cyberbullying Report
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My response to my stalker Philly Dom hooker Lauren Giunta

My response to my stalker Philly Dom  hooker Lauren Giunta
My response to my stalker Philly Dom hooker Lauren Giunta
Report #: 12528 - 2 Comments
Date Reported: Saturday, December 18, 2021
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Cross Site Stalking
Specific Location: Philly
City/Local Area: Philadelphia
State/Territory: Pennsylvania
Region: United States

Lauren Giunta, maybe I'm having a MELTDOWN as you call it because you you psychopath has been harassing me for EIGHT YEARS and have caused me an insane amount of drama and stress and now you have gotten even worse. Since you like to libel and slander me so much with nasty outrageous lies how about I expose some of your disgusting shameful FACTS about you. let's go. My "bad breath" lol. How about your hygiene. That one time on you sat on my face I nearly passed out from the stench. You could knock out a group of rhinos with that foul nauseating odor. Did a tuna swim up one of those holes and die 8 months prior? That was the last time I saw you but not the only reason I stopped taking you to Pound Town. You are an all around disgusting stupid and evil person.

The only reason any man would pay attention to you is because you are really into ATM and giving out rimjobs which most girls will never ever do. Your nasty freak card there is the only reason why a man will look twice at you and that is so very sad, lol.

And you like to call me stupid?! I am very educated and work in pharm. You beat and eat ass for a living. When you're not a delivery driver. You flunked out of high school you loser. You couldn't make it through HS much less get into college. Your attempt at being a "home designer"was all lies and BS. You couldn't even do that.Pretty sure even the mentally challenged can do that job but you LIED about having such a joke of an occupation, lol. You want to call me a liar? All you do is lie. About yourself to cover up what a pathetic loser that you are and you non stop about others to hurt them any way you can. Yeah, Lauren, I have compared notes a lot about you with many of your victims in your life not just that one ex- customer of yours. And yet again you are trying to associate me with a complete stranger I've never even met!

(Now there's a Mindy? ) Once again you can be very easily caught in your lies as anyone can contact any of these people and ask if they know me and they will all respond NO. Which brings up the funny point that this is one of they reasons how I figured out this was all you by the way. You straight up announced yourself and shot yourself in the foot when you tried to pin this all on other girls I don't even know. Oh and on this site there's an article put up by the website owner himself about you posting pics of my kids with San Francisco IP addresses where you frequently visit. I even compared the time frames of your postings to your "Tour announcements" and you were in San Fran eating/beating ass when those postings went up.


Illegitimate kids?! I don't have any of that. But let's talk about the fact about your EIGHT ABORTIONS you have had. Did Planned Parenthood give you a Frequent User Discount Card? Was your 8th one free?

Yeah Lauren, your cocktails of wine, valium and oxy really act as an entertaining truth serum for you! And I remember everything you've told me.

Not very Catholic of you, Lauren. Perhaps instead of murdering all of those innocent kids you should've stuck to your favorite activity ATM as birth control. For the love all that is holy Catholic girl, it's a good thing your ovaries have rotted and you won't reproduce with more of your psychotic shit kind. And yeah btw Lauren, that's one the many ways you gave yourself up. So many of your sock accounts with those religious comments lol.

And again I will say this and will keep repeating it: WHAT YOU DO FOR A LIVING IS ILLEGAL. Not just your escort persona "Symphony Ravenclaw" but yes, pro BDSM is illegal in the city of Philadelphia! I spoke with my criminal defense lawyer friend and yeah he confirmed ,it's illegal in Pennsylvania. Not illegal in NYC sure, but you're such a broke loser you could never afford to live there, lol.

Keep that in mind. Phone calls to your landlord and Philly police can go out very quickly.

The fact that you consistently fuck with the lives of so many people when you have an anti-social illegal job shows how mind-blowingly stupid you are. Wherever you go, I will find you.

STOP with all of your lies. STOP with your psycho bullshit.

Not just with me but everyone that you have been harming all these years. Especially me.

You've gone too far.

STOP NOW or your pathetic sad life will become much, much harder.

12/18/2021 -

You are the scum of the earth Darren Ambler. You are a sociopath and you have zero credibility and respectability. Your threats are meaningless. Like you.

You are an ugly pimply faced toad who wishes he was a prince. You could never be a prince.

Your a womanizing manipulative LIAR and user.

It is you who is a prostitute. It is you who is a stalker. There are many good looking and moral men out there. And you ain't one of them you lousy crumb.

12/23/2021 -

Lauren how "wholesome" of you. Guess you're getting angry for the truth about you being exposed. How many different anti psychotics have you been court ordered prescribed? I believe it was four? As someone who works in pharm I know that's pretty severe. Obey your shrinks and take your meds. Stop with your paranoid delusional fantasies, your lies and leave me and my family alone

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