Cyberbullying Report
Anti-Bullying and Internet Safety Services
Stop Letting Them Get Away with It!

My Story CyberbullyingHarassment Experience-Darren Ambler

 My Story CyberbullyingHarassment Experience-Darren Ambler
My Story CyberbullyingHarassment Experience-Darren Ambler
Report #: 13537 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Thursday, January 6, 2022
Status: Past Incident
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Investigative Services
Specific Location: Cherry Hill/ Camden County
City/Local Area: South Jersey
State/Territory: New Jersey
Region: United States

PART (One):

My Story/ Post Summary: by The Victim of a Cyberstalker**********

Proofed & Approved by: RLG.

I agreed to reply to this inquiry after being contacted by my Attorney suggesting it may be a good idea to publish my experience. I am aware that specifics of my Cyber-Stalking /Harassment Case were published on this forum a while back. This is an accurate and truthful account concerning my experience with Darren Amber, the Cyber Stalking incident that he initiated, and a brief summary of the friendship in which I chose to forget. I have never discussed my feelings about this issue. My attorney told me I have every right to discuss this. especially when it's the truth.

I must say I have great friends and family. I never experienced anything like this in my life until meeting Mr.Ambler. It was explained to me that most Cyberbullies are emotionally disturbed and they tend to be loners. Which makes sense. Most stable people with family responsibilities would never get involved with online Harassment. It is also an Illegal Act. To this day, some feel my attorney should have pursued this case instead of agreeing to dismiss.

This is a true and accurate account of a painful Cyber-Stalking experience and a friendship with Darren Ambler which was a fraud. I now believe that Mr. Ambler uses people. Based on my experience and what Mr. Ambler did regarding the 'Deliberate Cyber-Stalking/Harassment" incident and other things he did. Mr. Ambler is a person with no character, no respect for others, no class. Also, Mr. Ambler has no morals. Basically, he is sleazy, underhanded, cold, distrustful, and not very well-liked by others. He is way out of my league and always was.

Mr. Ambler doesn't have a clue what friendships or relationships are all about. Which I believe he could never be a good friend to anyone.

You will find some information here regarding the Cyber-Stalking incident in which through "Proofs" obtained by my Attorney back in 2016, prove that Darren Ambler is responsible for the Cyber-Stalking incident that began in April 2016.

Previously, Court Documents and other proof were published on this website and is still available for public viewing. If Darren Ambler does read this post, I would appreciate it if he would refrain from commenting with any Derogatory or comments that may be considered "Not Appropriate". If Mr. Ambler doesn't like the fact that I chose to publish this then that is his problem. I was encouraged to publish this account if I chose to by my good friend and attorney that handled this case.

I have a right Legally and Personally to tell my story as well as publish it on this forum or any forum that I feel it is appropriate. I have never personally expressed my thoughts on this matter since the incident was settled in Cherry Hill NJ on May 23, 2018. I live a busy life and don't spend much time on the Internet unless it's business-related.

I recall it was a humid evening back in June of 2014 in Moorestown, NJ. This was my first meeting with Darren Ambler. I've known for a long time it was not a true friendship. I realized it was a huge mistake ever becoming friends with Mr. Ambler. Even though time has passed, at times the thought of him makes me sick. He doesn't exist as far as I am concerned.

When I agreed to drop the Cyber Stalking case in 2018. My Attorney drafted a document which was filed with Cherry Hill Municipal court, that I agreed to drop this case even though a Felony was committed. However, from this point forward if Darren Ambler ever attempts to bully me in the future or Slanders my good name my Attorney will file a new Stalking/Harassment case. Only this time it will be filed within a County Jurisdiction. That this time the case will be pursued and the attorney will seek prosecution.

In reply to the recent communication concerning the Facebook Cyber Stalking incident in which we have known since 2016 that Darren Ambler was fully responsible.

Since this issue was settled in May 2018 within the Jurisdiction of the Cherry Hill Municipal Courts. I have put Mr. Ambler and any painful memory of him behind me as I live a busy life and wouldn't waste my time thinking about Mr. Ambler. I doubt he ever did anything constructive his entire life. He is way out of my league and always was. I was asked if I feel Mr. Ambler has Psychological problems? My reply is that I feel his Psychological issues are serious & very apparent. I felt this from the first day I met him.

If I knew what kind of person I was getting involved with back in June 2014, without a doubt I would have run the other way. I became friends with him because I felt sorry for him. His wife had just left him and he seemed so lonely and pathetic. Little did I know what was in store for me which took two years but finally happened. Darren Ambler was supposed to be a recovering alcoholic and addict. Which is a whole other issue. I know for a fact he never gave up alcohol and drugs completely. However, Mr. Ambler thought he conned me into believing this too. He is just bad news all around.

I've said to my wife and close friends that "Darren Ambler may be a con artist however, he never fooled me for one minute. Darren Ambler is cold, manipulative, out for himself, and of very low caliber/ class. He could never fit in with me, my family, and the good friends that stood by me through thick and thin. Darren Ambler would back-stab anyone to get what he wanted. I was back-stabbed and slandered by him repeatedly.

My wife pressured me for 9 months to get Mr. Ambler out of my life. I tried to sever all ties with him on two occasions about six months before the Cyber Stalking incident started. Based on what I shared with my wife about Darren Ambler, she distrusted Mr. Ambler and did not want him in our home or around our children. She kept telling me she had an odd feeling about him. She had no desire to meet Mr. Ambler or be in his company. She also said if I didn't sever all ties with him that something would happen and that he would hurt me. My wife whom I love dearly was 100% right. My advice to the guys out there 'Always listen to your Wife".

When the Stalking incident occurred my wife was infuriated. Her exact words were "No piece of White-Trash is going to treat my husband like this and get away with it. She concluded by saying "Hookers are too classy for him". In 2016 I knew Darren Ambler was into some very immoral and raunchy behavior which is why he Cyberbullied me and tried to make my life hell. He felt if I told others about what I learned about his double life that it could affect his life in a negative way. I am sure his behavior has affected his life. That is his own doing not mine. Mr. Ambler is responsible for his actions nobody else.

I did not know the full extent of what he was into until many months later. It didn't matter anyway. Befriending Mr. Ambler was a terrible mistake.

Darren was not my type of person from day one and he was untrustworthy and used people. Frankly, I couldn't stand being around him anymore. I feel sorry for his former wife, I understand now why she couldn't tolerate him anymore.

A normal person could not tolerate Darren for very long. After being around normal healthy family and friends all my life it was very difficult being around Darren Ambler and dealing with his unpredictable behavior and self-centeredness.

I was raised to believe you try to better yourself by doing the right thing, using good moral judgment, caring for others, and mingling with the right kind of people. Working hard and advancing your career is important also. Darren Ambler was the first person I ever knew that was clueless about bettering himself. Actually, Darren succeeded in lowering himself and damaging his life with the characters with which he chose to associate.

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