Neal Horsley Accused of Threatening Elton John on You Tube
Neal Horsley Accused of Threatening Elton John on You Tube
Date Reported: Sunday, June 26, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Elevated - Smear Campaign
Primary Weapon: Videos
Specific Location: Peachtree Road
City/Local Area: Atlanta
State/Territory: Georgia
Region: United States
Neal Horsley was arrested and charged with making threats against the life of Elton John last year after posting a video of himself on You Tube. In the video Horsley was protesting outside of Elton John's condo in Atlanta and holding a sign that said "ELTON JOHN MUST DIE". The video called "Elton John, his gay jesus, and death" turned out not be criminal because saying someone must die is not a threat nor is it a call to action for other people to kill him, so the charges were dropped.
Horsley is a known anti-abortion activist who plans on running for governor in Georgia. He was mad at Elton John for a comment he made about Jesus being gay. He posted a bunch of stuff accusing the singer of various forms of religious blasphemy.
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