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Neal Horsley Accused of Threatening Elton John on You Tube

Neal Horsley Accused of Threatening Elton John on You Tube
Neal Horsley Accused of Threatening Elton John on You Tube
Report #: 166 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Sunday, June 26, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Elevated - Smear Campaign
Primary Weapon: Videos
Specific Location: Peachtree Road
City/Local Area: Atlanta
State/Territory: Georgia
Region: United States

Neal Horsley was arrested and charged with making threats against the life of Elton John last year after posting a video of himself on You Tube. In the video Horsley was protesting outside of Elton John's condo in Atlanta and holding a sign that said "ELTON JOHN MUST DIE". The video called "Elton John, his gay jesus, and death" turned out not be criminal because saying someone must die is not a threat nor is it a call to action for other people to kill him, so the charges were dropped.

Horsley is a known anti-abortion activist who plans on running for governor in Georgia. He was mad at Elton John for a comment he made about Jesus being gay. He posted a bunch of stuff accusing the singer of various forms of religious blasphemy.

News Story with Horsley Video

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