Officer Nicolas Russell On Leave for Cyberstalking Woman
Date Reported: Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Status: Past Incident
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Investigative Services
Specific Location: Lincoln Police Department
City/Local Area: Lincoln
State/Territory: Nebraska
Region: United States
Lincoln Police Officer Nicolas Russell has been suspended without pay after a woman obtained a protective order against him for among other things cyberstalking her using the LPD database. She also said that he stalked her phone log. Police officers are one of the worst types of cyberstalkers, but usually they are not held accountable because the people they are stalking are suspects in their investigations or people with active warrants.
The police chief went into Officer Russell's troubled history in a Facebook video that made it obvious that this is far from the first time he has been accused of wrongdoing by an intimate partner.
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