I, Darren Ambler, am here to take my power back I'm one of many victims of philadelphia Dominatrix and prostitute Mistress Isadora AKA
Stephanie Aman AKA Lil Steph.
I have exposed a couple of her co-conspirators in the past year, but now I can focus on Aman even more right now because thanks to her (and her cohorts) I am unemployed once again. She has done a massive list of atrocious things to numerous women in her industry and also innocent men like myself. Her lies, slander, manipulation and psychotic treachery knows no bounds. Perhaps the alleged meth addiction talk is true, who knows? Either way, it's best to avoid this person at all costs. I get into much more detail in one of my blogs regarding not only what she's done to me, but also
What her and her criminal co-conspirators have done to many other people.
I implore you to read this. Please read about some of my side.
I can also be reached by email.
Darren Ambler.
darrenambler at tutanottas.com