Regine Augustin aka Regie-Luv aka G-boo LA Mala Seduizante
Regine Augustin aka Regie-Luv aka G-boo LA Mala Seduizante
Date Reported: Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Status: Active and Ongoing
Severity: High - Cyberstalking
Primary Weapon: Impersonation
Specific Location: New Jersey
City/Local Area: NJ suburbs of NYC
State/Territory: New Jersey
Region: United States
Regine Augustine ( has been stalking me and some of my friends since 2011 and it still hasn't stop. She and her friend Floquency Vilseme ( went as far as creating numerous fake pages, .add you to them, then steal you're picture and information. They use the pictures to create fake pages of you, start impersonate you as well as putting pornography on it. They not only did it to my friends but they created a Munzy and did it to other people as well.
Floquency Vilseme Munzy (
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