Sam Lutfi Harassed Business Associate Jumana Issa
Sam Lutfi Harassed Business Associate Jumana Issa
Date Reported: Friday, June 3, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Low - Private Harassment
Primary Weapon: Email
Specific Location: Westside Escrow Corporation
City/Local Area: Los Angeles
State/Territory: California
Region: United States
During the Britney Spears scandal MTV found out that Jumana Issa tried to get a restraining order against Sam Lutfi after receiving several harassing emails, phone calls, and text messages following a business dispute. Issa had closed an escrow account for Lutfi, but Lutfi wanted Issa to cancel his check and she could not do it. After that he badgered her with numerous emails, somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 to 20 phone calls, and faxes one of which called her a "big lady" that needed to "put down the donuts and call" him.
Jessica Issa owns the Westside Escrow Corporation.
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