Cyberbullying Report
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Sharon Chanon Velazquez Charged in Phoebe Prince Bullying

Sharon Chanon Velazquez Charged in Phoebe Prince Bullying
Sharon Chanon Velazquez Charged in Phoebe Prince Bullying
Report #: 80 - 0 Comments
Date Reported: Friday, April 8, 2011
Status: Past Incident
Severity: Moderate - Public Bullying
Primary Weapon: Social Networks
Specific Location: South Hadley High School
City/Local Area: Western Massachusetts
State/Territory: Massachusetts
Region: United States

Sharon Chanon Velazquez was charged with stalking and depriving Phoebe Prince of her civil rights before she killed herself. Velazquez was a friend of Flannery Mullins who accused Prince of stealing her boyfriend. Velazquez was allegedly seen calling Prince all kinds of labels related to whorish behavior. According to police reports Velazquez was quoted as saying that she didn't care about Prince being dead and felt justified in defending her friend.

As part of their bullying efforts Velazquez and her friends are accused of using text messaging and the social networking site Facebook.

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